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Watch three great tips on how to perform spells from the Harry Potter films on the iPhone and iTouch.

50 Responses to Harry Potter Spells Visual Effects Test

  • MrPlayerNr1 says:

    @mjvblue8596 Hahaha!

  • Intergalactiic says:

    @jimeh123 i was joking dude. and witchcraft is real, it just isn’t as it is in the movies or fairy tells. real witchcraft is practiced through rituals and spells to try to accomplish something that the normal mind cannot. in a way it is supernatural because the brain can do things that we don’t even know of like creating a force that causes another person harm. just a theory though. and as for God, I do believe their is a force that connects us all, just not one in our image.

  • jimeh123 says:

    @Intergalactiic Yeah, but if you think about it….

    Saying theres witchcraft at all, when there really isn’t, supports the “witches and demons and angels, etc” world view all the same. If you want to push your Christian world view then even a game thats 100% about Satan still brings people into that way of thinking and strengthens their belief that there is a God at all.

    And, really, when belief in witches was common 200 years ago innocent women were commonly burned alive because of it!

  • pokemonbluerescuefan says:

    Omg you need internet? My freaking internet thingy is broken -_- i go on my internet box thingy and then i put the password in my iphone and it says it dont work? X.x

  • Intergalactiic says:

    this is blasphemy! promoting witchcraft in the books and now on the biggest selling smart-phone on the market?? May God forgive you all.

  • krados916 says:

    I really appreciate the tips but the game crashes and starts having glitches. If any of you have purchased the items pack, don’t buy it, that also gets glitches. It makes you have to buy it over and over.

    Please fix ratings are going lower and lower every week.

  • sergore says:

    show this guy some respect… he’s just trying to help those who like this game, and some assholes just think it’s funny to make fun of his physical conditions… and idk why the fact of being polite is something people don’t appreciate anymore… i believe respect, tolerance and prudence are concepts far beyond your understanding

  • vince0123 says:

    dude it crashes on my iphone 3g ios4 any solutions?

  • TheSergioShow says:

    @ThisMissCanDiss it does for 99cents more thou

  • roptrep100 says:

    so, the ipod is like the wand?

  • LuwiDuwi4 says:

    kann mir mal einer sagen wieso bei mir unter “online” keine gegner aufgelistet sind obwohl ich internet hab?

  • LuwiDuwi4 says:

    kann mir mal einer sagen wieso ich unter mehrspieler und dann ONline keine gegner finde? obwohl mein internet klappt

  • bellebaby321 says:

    haha this was really helpful!

  • harmang33 says:

    how the hell do you reset your character

  • Brass2015 says:

    That dude is freaky. He needs to stop staring right at the screen.

  • rune2h2 says:

    1.2update won’t let me play after sorting hat

  • lordrandal90 says:

    “hey there I’m nathan feldman I’m he producer of the harry potter spells app, and I never kissed a girl” XD

  • weardo100 says:

    weird but i finaly know how to cast expeliarmus

  • 12stonesrawesome says:

    me too i like lady dumbledore and dear emma

  • bananas1510 says:

    3 words…
    best. thing. ever.

  • JoeRayes says:

    i love mugglecast

  • bananas1510 says:

    andrew was right… that is creepy

  • lovelmirrorcle says:

    This video really helped me. Thanks, was getting frustrated alr LOL ;P

  • aechman says:

    @ThisMissCanDiss nope, heres all the spells in the app: incendio, confringo, oppugno, confundo, stupefy, espelliamus, Petrificus Totalus, Episkey, aguamenti, protego, Finite Incantatem, lumos, Expecto Patronum, Alohomora.

  • DarkwoodsZ says:

    I will use it on all mean people!

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