Question by ra†ia: Have you ever been to a Pow Wow or gone on a Vision Quest?
Last night i had a strong dream. Apache Brother and Crow Brother were riding with Sioux Brother. I saw “Many Buffalo” and it’s color was black/brown. I cannot tell you the rest but it made me very happy… [12:100]. May the LORD bless and guide all the tribes.
Dire Straits – Brothers in Arms
Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.
Kahlil Gibran
Best answer:
Answer by Ties that bind
What do you think? Answer below!
nope cant say that i have
I went to an all night sweat, ate the medicine, etc. It was very cool. The drumming, singing, and prayer… If you get the chance, I’d highly recommend it.
When I was very young, we lived on the Flathead Reservation in Montana and used to attend Pow Wows every year. I was too young to appreciate them and found them very boring.
Been to a couple pow wows and one traditional sweat lodge.
~ Eric
No, but it seems that it would be extremely inspirational and influential. Be sure to include the Spirit of the Lord with you if and when you go. Amen!
Thank-you for the opportunity to share!
Unfortunately not.
Hopefully I will one day.

Are you native american
I live in the uk so not very familiar with native american culture, except for what I have learn from the Internet. I have for some time now been subscribing to the Daily Meditation…..some pretty inspirational quotes… I have found the native americans to be a very spiritual people:)
Would love to go to a pow wow though and the vision quest sounds both interesting and like it would be beneficial for a teenager to promote direction, vision and maturity.
“In the life of the Indian there was only one inevitable duty, the duty of prayer, the daily recognition of the Unseen and Eternal. His daily devotions were more necessary to him than daily food.” –Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa), SANTEE SIOUX —————- sounds quite like the Sufi Islamic way
I like this also:
“.the spirit still has something for us to discover-an herb, a sprig, a flower-a very small flower, maybe you can spend a long time in its contemplation, thinking about it.”
–Lame Deer, LAKOTA
“The world today is about hurry up! get there faster! Work harder, produce more, hurry up, eat quickly, be on time, don’t get stressed- headaches, conflict, drink to calm down, go to training on stress management, time management-STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP! Go spend 5 minutes with a flower or a plant. Look at it-think about it-look at its beauty, smell it, close your eyes and smell it again. Touch it; touch with your eyes closed. Listen to it; listen to it with your eyed closed. Slow your mind down. Think about the little things. Now close your eyes and pray. ”
The above quote reminds me of one by Carl Linnaeus – and one of my all-time favourite quotes ever:
“Herbs and plants are medical jewels gracing the woods, fields and lanes, which few eyes see, and few minds understand. Through this want of observation and knowledge the world suffers immense loss” — Linnaeus (1707-1778)
Salaam (peace)..
No I have not but would love to have the experience. I do have many dream experiences, & might have experienced something similar just given a different name.
Some years ago, I was fortunate enough to spend time with True Native North American Indian Medicine Men.
I remember one thing that I was told by a Medicine Man by the name of Rolling Thunder. He said this to me and smiled:
“What we consider as small things are actually very large, and the things that we consider large are actually very small.”
The small things that man discards, can feed the common ant for many months.
The Native North American Indian is truly the custodian of the North American Continent. They see what many don’t take the time to analyze and understand! They are filled with secrets, that are near lost.
He sees that which is unseen, and endlessly gives thanks to the “Creator” for the pleasure of being an observer.
The oral tradition of the Native American Indian Culture can be traced back some 20,000 years. The white man knows so little about nature.
Meechum Anbu (Much Love),
No.God you have a remarkable imagination