Nome, 54% of the population is comprised of native Eskimos and the main industries are mining and tourism. Y
ou can take a polar bear swim, watch a dog sled race, watch crab fishermen at work, pan for gold or buy native Alaskan art. Barrow boasts the world’s largest Inupiat Eskimo settlement, where you’ll see how fishing and hunting are still a way of life, but have been combined with modern conveniences, like snowmobiles and tools. The Heritage Center has been called “a must-see for every visitor.”
If you visit Barrow in the late winter, then be sure to look for the awe-inspiring Northern Lights! These are just a few of the native villages, of course. If you are taking an Alaskan cruise or planning a bundled trip, then your travel agent should be able to point you in the right direction.
When visiting Alaska, there are many ways to experience the Alaskan native culture. You can embark upon a seven-night, all-inclusive Holland Cruise, which includes native tour guides, narration and presentations about Inuit life, as well as port stops in native villages.
Or you can choose a day trip to a place like the Saxman native village, the Fairbanks Native Arts Festival or stop at the Alaska Native Heritage Center. Native artwork makes a great memento of your once-in-a-lifetime experience in America’s 49th state.
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