Have Your Tarot Cards Read Over the Telephone! is This a Good Thing?
One of the more common means of telling fortunes and offering insights into the past and future is the tarot. Tarot cards first originated in Italy in the first half of the fifteenth century as a card game, used purely for recreation. This early game was something like the modern game of Bridge. The use of tarot cards for divination is first recorded in the early 1700s and by the end of the 18th century; changes were made to tarot cards to make them more useful for divination and esoteric meanings. Originally, tarot cards had no connection to the occult, and this link is a more modern one than the cards themselves. The specifics of the modern cards, designed for esoteric purposes, have their basis in the 19th century Order of the Golden Dawn.
Tarot cards are separated into one major arcana and five suits, namely: The Major Arcana, The Suit of Wands, The Suit of Coins, The Suit of Cups, and the Suit of Swords.
The suits are separated as well. Their points’ worth and specific meanings are determined by being one of Oudlers/Trulls, Kings, Queens, Cavaliers, Jacks, or Others. Oudlers and Kings have the same value; the others from Queens to Jacks are worth one point less than their predecessors.
Despite this, the English-speaking world pays more attention to the divinatory meanings of the cards, which will be tackled in the next area.
Every card has a different meaning, depending upon what the card’s suit is, and if it is part of the Minor or Major Arcana. All of the Tarot cards are numbered, so each card serves a reader with a specific numerological value which can be interpreted during divination practices. Furthermore, the meanings of the cards evolve