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Credit to Anugama; the song is called “Call off the Search”. Uploaded under the policy for Fair Use, Freedom of Information & Freedom of Speech. This video material is for informational, educational and non-profit purposes only.

Please enjoy this meditation. meditation, shambhala, emotional intelligence, vipassana, mindfulness, astrology, i ching, numerology, tarot, awareness, buddhism, yoga, gnosticism, taoism, hinduism. dreams, dreaming, advaita, zen, Vedanta, non-duality, nonduality, non-dualism, non-dual, shaman, Sufism, awakening, enlightenment, conscious, consciousness, kundalini. shaman, shamanism, tantra, peaceful warrior, chaos theory, bodhisattva, bodhi, bodhi tree, spiritual, spirituality, spiritual path, shaolin, dharma. karma, theosophy, ju jitsu, judo, aikido, aikijitsu, kung fu, tai chi, gi gong. sacred geometry, unconditional love, Christ consciousness, maha leela. prayer, dzogchen, shamanism, shaman, prayer, guru, spiritual teacher, diamond heart, enneagram, the elements, yoga, lucid dreaming. astral projection, healing, hypnotherapy, mysticism, mystic, meditation, Tibet, Tibetan, Indian, India, chanting, bhajans, satsang, kirtan, pendulum. divination, tarot, crystals, crystal, amethyst, quartz, rose quartz, meditate, shamballa, nirvana, Samadhi, Category: Education Drunvalo Melchizedek New Mayan Calendar 2012 Ascension Nibiru Galactic Alignment Annunaki Nefilim Giant Skeletons Human Angel
Video Rating: 4 / 5

18 Responses to HEALING SOUNDS PART 30 Shamanic Dream Part 2 BY Shantamo21

  • 1atheist2 says:

    This is one of my favourite sounds from Anugama. It embraces my being.
    Thanks for bringing it here.

  • 1atheist2 says:

    This is one of my favourite sounds by Anugama. It embraces by very soul.
    Thanks for bringing it here.

  • rayodeluzuniversal says:

    Hello that will say when the things are made in alone conscience good things they can leave I like the color I love it is very artistic and spiritual thank you a hug in the peace in the love in conscience light….

  • topbluffa1 says:

    Alan Watts Hinduism for some translated hindu teachings.

  • brunonozferaz says:

    Vibrações Positivas !


  • 510shyt says:

    Wow this is so beautiful and captivating. Goes straight passed the mind into the heart, AUM AUM AUM namah shivaya


  • Pagualak1 says:

    It helps me look at my future when i will have fun and feel good….have a good life i deserve it i have no words to describe my honor, I honor you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • diliprai says:

    Now you know why Shiva is seen as destroyer in Hinduism.

    According to Dr Yadubamshi, during the period before the hymns of the Yajuveda had been composed but later than the Rig and Atharvavedic periods, a non-Aryan god was fused with God Rudra. This non-Aryan god, he adds, was worshiped by some tribes in the Himalayan valleys, including the Kiratis. (Shaivamata :The Shaiva Sect)

    check the video
    “sakela~the greatest festival of kirat people” in Nepal.

  • shivrajvishnu says:

    || Om Namaha Shivaya Shivaya Namaha Om ||

  • malav1988 says:

    nothing in this world as true as the absolute. the lord shiva. om namah shivay. he is here and giving truth to the souls continuously…we just have to find the truth enlightened into our soul…hariom namah shivay.

  • SatanIsShiva66623 says:

    Simply beautiful! I LOVE when My Lord(s) look like men, as they do here so unmistakably (YAY FOR YOU!) To Western eyes, Vishnu and Krishna and even a lot of paintings of Shiva, look attractively feminine. Most of my kin from ’round these parts (Bristol TN/VA) would say: “Put some tits on that’n and I’d f*** it!” Sorry. We bhangi tantrists worship what you hate. We’re commanded to step in and insert rude, distateful, tamas guna fool-devil boy comments. Sorry.
    Happy Lammastide! Good Shravana! MU!

  • ommozy says:

    Thank you very much

  • martijngroenendal says:

    i got the cd but the singer is not one it
    the cd called the sacred chants of shiva


  • ashishdamncool says:

    can we say on namah shivayh in mind without saying

  • rajivmohinder says:

    THIS IS SHIV MANAS PUJA, Gala. Look it up, and you will find it.

  • valleysequence says:


  • nicopetromac says:

    If I told you that I woke up one day and found this cd under my pillow, would you belief me.
    An angel send it to me. sorry I do not know.

  • Gala108 says:

    Hi would you be able to tell me the name of this singer?

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