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by genetic engineers from extrasolar planets who are allegedly the same entities referred to as Elohim. According to Rael, these space travellers came to Earth and synthesized life from non-living matter in 7 laboratory bases which contained the symbol.

Some meanings which involve particular variations of this symbol are supported by the IRM, such as “well being” (where “swastika” means “well being” in Sanskrit) and “infinity in time” (as Hindus see the swastika as a symbol for “eternal” cycles). In Raelism, the upper and lower triangles represent “as above, so below”, which refers to either the likeness between the creators’ past and created’s future or the repeating fractal hierarchical structure in the universe. “As above so below” is also well known in Wicca as the last statement of an invocation or ritual in order to bring the change of events from the upper world to the lower world (our world).

The IRM has long-term plans to build a temple complex or embassy that would, at around the time of a Technological Singularity, and before 2035, support the arrival of prophets of major and some minor religions after a spectacular descent from an interstellar journey. Rael (or the Elohim, as Rael would put it) requires that the embassy contain the “symbol of the Elohim”. The symbol initially used by the Raelian movement was the source of considerable controversy linked to a proposal to build the Raelian embassy in Israel since it resembled a hexagram with the image of a Swastika embedded in its center.

Usage in occultism

The hexagram, like the pentagram, was and is used in practices of the occult and is attributed to the 7 ‘old’ planets outlined in astrology.

The six-pointed star is commonly used both as a talisman

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