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Epic story of the longest surviving civilisation. Trailer for the upcoming website –
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Origins of Christmas Pt. 3-of-4

49 Responses to Hindu History Trailer

  • rodtorre7 says:

    drcmedia when its coming out full??

  • HariprasadNirmaliam says:

    Waiting to be released!

  • wwxxxrum says:

    hlnduism =aryanism,brahminish,incestismaryan uncivilized tribes practice incest
    they mostly prefer brother sister fuck dont beleive than research aryan vedas
    even the creation god of hindu the brahma
    fucked his daughter saraswati
    brahmins doing incest family secret

  • opblaze says:

    The most recent of it was called pangaea…….the factors that result in the dynamics of tectonics are rotational mantle convection, drag force produced the renewal of crust in subduction zone due to mantle viscosity and thermal gradient within mantle….these are the general ideas…Can we discuss about Hinduism now, since you think you know a lot about it….

  • opblaze says:

    If I can tell you everything over here in this small box, then I wouldn’t be wasting 5 years doing my double hons, would I?…First of all, the continents were all combined more than once, they broke up and merged and broke up again, in which of coz now we are in the second era.

  • demonrise says:

    @opblaze if you are a geoscientist, tel me everything you know about tectonic plate movements and how it shaped our continents, or at least tell me what the name of the first continent (when all continents were combined together) was calledd

  • opblaze says:

    in a more feasible way…

  • opblaze says:

    dude, I dont have to prove myself to you, looking at your selection of words to talk to people, when there are numerous nice and decent words out there, I can say that you must not be educated yourself and it is simply a disgrace for your parents looking at the way you speak…btw, I am not only a Geoscientist, more specifically I am a Geologist and Geophysicist…studied in Canada…as for the Indian history, if you want to have discussion over what is true and not, we can probably correspond

  • demonrise says:

    @opblaze o really, u have been to antarctica, which part exactly, latitude and longitude, cuz i dont believe youl iar/possibly a fobby ass indian




    two brothers of same family grow to be a doctor a lawyer…are they not still of the same family?
    jain sikh buddhist all hindu….all 3 are reactions to vedic dharm…hindu a persian word means native to india…my path is hindu …i am hispanic i am not hindu …i am ARYA(n) because i follow vedic dharma……enuff bickering!!! bharat mata needs us to defend her now against abrahamic aggression!!!

  • opblaze says:

    Lol, you are so full of yourself..I do not know whethe ryou have been to Antartica or not, but I have been there before…for a project…coz I am geoscientist…
    don’t underestimate people dude…

  • demonrise says:

    Lol i bet u actually looked up that location before finding out it doesnt exist

  • opblaze says:

    Well, if you are from nowhere in the world, then I think you should just be quiet about history and facts and stop speculating about it just for the sake of disagreeing….

  • demonrise says:

    Im from Eastern Antarctica, in the province of Nigarju

  • opblaze says:

    can I know exactly what is the poblem is now?

  • opblaze says:

    where are you from?

  • demonrise says:

    I know u dont want to belive me cuz inside ur own little world in ur head u think ur right, go ahead and say w/e the hell u want, im not posting here anymore. I’m right!

  • demonrise says:

    For crying out loud though these scriptures werent written 5000 years ago either, much more recent than that. And it was written in one spot and spread out through word of mouth al over india. Point is, Hinduism is similar all over india (though still perty different) the reason for it is because the british tried to reconnect them to the past. Just curious though what is ur definition of hindu, because I feel like I know it already and I have dozen counterarguments against it.

  • demonrise says:

    so all those regions got culturally affected the same way and this is where u see commonalities. Did u even know most poele didnt even know shit about mahabahrat and ramayan before the shows came out, and I assure a lot of took it seriously.

  • demonrise says:

    we dont know what actually happened, explain to me how we have so many versions of them all over the country. Now I understand the country could have been similar in the beginning, it did definitely later on. You do realize simple things like the mahabharat tv series can influence religion , and Mahabharata is aired all over india,

  • demonrise says:

    cause the religion to fuse and THATS why all u hindus think that all Hinduisms books and religious beliefs are the same. O and btw, mahabharat and Ramayana, there is no right copy, only 1000 made up ones,

  • demonrise says:

    THe point is by british scholar efforts to connect the hindus to their original roots, by the hindu nationalist movement during the time india got its independence, and modern mainstream culture such as bollywood/tv programming and the fact that different regions began communicating with each other more,

  • demonrise says:

    This transformation of Hinduism to what it is today by the british is probably something naive hindus like you would believe them.

  • demonrise says:

    They wanted to bring indians back to their “vedic/aryan roots” Which to them was anythign scripture based since british (christians) believed that scriptures should dtermine religion not customs. They wanted India to go back to their original roots which the british glorified, They wanted hindus to follow the vedas, for the british believe thats the only way they can be true hindus, They still wanted to educate them and teach them how to behave in an english way, but still be culturally indian

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