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Question by Bigfoot: history shows christianity is all pagan even the names god jesus and its holidays?
why cant christians see they are pagan stop hating pagans and look at the facts of history
let me start buy saying you peole are so blind rome started christinaty constantine to be more clear jesus is greek for iesus the goddess of healing easter christamas all of it pagan study a lttle harder u will see its supposed to be hebrew, not greek or latin.yahowah is the hebrew fathers name yahowashua is the sons not none of it greek or latin study open your eyes you are being lead to the slaughter cast away your modern pagan ways

Best answer:

Answer by crazylady/supermom
christians are not pagans the holidays are like easter is a pagan holiday that had to do with fertility thats what the eggs are all about halloween ha dto do with sacrificing children back in the day so do some research and get ur facts staight.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

3 Responses to history shows christianity is all pagan even the names god jesus and its holidays?

  • purple dove says:

    I will be praying that Jesus will reveal to You that He is real – He is alive. Experience over-rides the words written in mere books. I know Jesus – He is awesome – hope you get to know Him too!! Psalm 14:1 & 53:1 … The fool hath said in his heart that there is no God …

  • more_evil_then_santa says:

    So what’s your question?

  • Duce says:

    What is wrong with Pagan ways? Hitler basically wanted to turn his empire back to pagan, why? Because pagan is easier to live with. Anyway, what is you question? I glance up and there is no question? What are you? A moron! Stop ranting against the christian religion. Let people seek comfort wherever they seek it and stop being a prick. I bet you’re one of those politically correct punks who can’t stop at finding some detail to capitolize on and make yourself heard.

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