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The UNOFFICIAL instrumental to Hodgy Beats’ “Black Magic”. Did the best I can to recreate the original instrumental and this is the finished product. Hope you enjoy it and check out my other videos as well. Peaceeee. DOWNLOAD LINK: CHECK OUT MY MIXTAPE TOO!

CALL +91 9849419139 To see this and more related videos and comments, visit now. Get yourself or your loved ones cured from Jinn, Jadoo, Black Magic, Witch Craft, Curses, and Evil Spells and Spirits. No Taweez, Talisman, Palita, Shirk. Only by recitation of the Holy Quran. Online treatment available. Religion and location no bar. Call +919849419139 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +919849419139 end_of_the_skype_highlighting (Hyderabad, India) Or Skype ID– jinnjadoo. Visit now. Or Mail Me on
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Is Real Magic Black, White Or Something Else Altogether?

If you go to Google or Yahoo and type in the word “magick,” you’ll get a lot of listings for black magick, white magick, chaos magick, sex magick and thousands of other kinds of magick. And if you type in the word “magic,” you’ll get something entirely different. So what is magic (or magick)? Is real magic black, white or something else altogether?

In the experience of most magicians with some level of training, magic is neither black nor white, good nor evil. Instead, magic an unchanging set of operating principles that are in effect whether the you know them or not. Magical laws are like physical laws – they are impersonal, fixed and completely immune to bargaining.

One of our favorite authors, Paxton Robey, explains it so well in his book “No Time for Karma.” He says, “The Universe and its rules must be seen as impersonal principle if we are to become self empowered beings.

Remember the law of gravity. When you jump out of the window, you will go down. On the way you, you might remember about gravity, but the earth will not care one way or the other. Gravity is impersonal so it will not say, ‘She is a pretty good person so maybe we should let her down easy.'” While the idea of impersonal magical forces can seem cold and unfeeling, the good thing about it is that it’s very, very reliable. You’ll never go to make use of magical principle and find that it’s no longer there.

What Makes Magic Black or White?

What makes magic so-called “black” or “white” is our intent. Remember that magic is the study of intention. Our intention and attention are what direct the forces of magic in one direction or another. So what do you do when you stumble on a website offering black, white, chaos or sex magic? Use your own experience and observation to decide if whatever they are offering is really right for you. All types of magic are valid. What’s right for you depends on your goals as a magician.

In reality, all forms of magic are just specializations in the same field. Magic is such as vast area of study that every particular branch is just a focused shot in the dark, trying to find out more about this area or that. Voodoo magic is about using the law, “as above, so below” to create effects in the world. What you do to a voodoo doll (as above), you likewise do to the person the doll represents (so below). Chaos magic is about using extreme methods to create heightened states of awareness and consciousness. Love magic is often attracting the right person to you.

Magical Side-Bands

And that brings up another interesting point. Above, we said that all forms of magic are valid. They are. But some have “sidebands” or side effects that you might not want in your life. For instance, if you cast a love spell that’s supposed to make another person love you, you are binding that person. Binding is a magical problem that causes a backlash. You see, the Universe operates on the principle of reciprocal maintenance, which means that whatever you do to others will also happen to you. So if you bind another person with a love spell, you can be sure that you’ll find your own freedom bound in some way, against your will.

Got it? Good! Check out Rules of the Road, a list of cosmic governing laws put together by George Dew of Church of Seven Arrows. It provides some good rules of thumb when you’re trying to decide whether one form or magic or another would be fun to play with.


38 Responses to Hodgy Beats-Black Magic (Instrumental)

  • BennyJennyJ1 says:

    what on earth is that? claw thing??

  • themagicmajid says:

    protection from all this magic, jinn possession etc is in the Quran, Surah Iklaas, Surah Falaq, Surah Naas, Surah Bakarah also staying in wudu and performing Salah etc.speaking? from experience

  • grisymary says:


  • grisymary says:

    @fatchow1 hehehe just because i said bullshit? jezzz you need to get a live! no my friend i wont go study Islam cuz i know quite a lot about? it and i chose somethign else to study, religion is some kind of thing that i get to reed about cuz im interested on it but i wouldnt go and study it or make a carreer out of it. IF THAT IS YOUR ARGUMENT IT IS VERY POOR… those things simply dont exist and if they do, ceartenly in a very different way than you present it to people. BULLSHIT!!!

  • grisymary says:

    @fatchow1 that’s what people trying to get me scared and get into this whole thing use to tell me: you are posessed… or they are trying to get you… cuz i kind of ruined the whole show hehehe… it never happened!!!. listen i will neve say there is not such a thing but? what i can guarantee you is that if there is they wouldn’t be waisting their time trying to get me or you or all those fools!!! and just for the record. you know nothing about me to say i didnt study… so dont start with that

  • grisymary says:

    people in my country use black magic a lot… some? tried to do things wrong with me. never worked!!!! i dont think your black magic does!… that’s only for weak and easy-brain-washing fools

  • DannyAbdillah says:

    Shirik! don’t use? anything to expell exorcism! ask help only to Allah. Sin of Shirik is so big, beware.

  • SusiDk says:

    what? is he doing?

  • fatchow1 says:

    Science is very slow, islam is confirming there are jinns and science is orking on it but cannot as it ants to show proof to people in order to have a clear understanding of it, but? that does not mean scientists do not believe in it, they do 100 percent but cannot confirm it to you, your a fool and a jinn we are not jinns humans can be in the form of a jinn you are possessed that is why you dont want to study anything real but just the basic.

  • fatchow1 says:

    A knowledgeable person ould never use the word bullshit without studying it. I ent to school in england from the age of 3 and can honestly tell you that these schools are teaching us a touch of the islamic iceberg, I studied islam and found the truth the rest as the word you used? BULLSHIT, so go and study the basic even a masters degree is science couldnt direct you to the unseen but islam prepares you for the afterlife hen your soul is heavy of knowledge and you die with dignity and knowledge.

  • fatchow1 says:

    A knowledgeable person ould never use the word bullshit without studying it. I ent to school in england from the age of 3 and can honestly tell you that these schools are teaching us a touch of the islamic iceberg, I studies islam and found the truth the rest as the word you used BULLSHIT, so go and study the basic even a masters degree is science? couldnt direct you to the unseen but islam prepares you for the afterlife hen your soul is heavy of knowledge and you die with dignity and knowledge.

  • fatchow1 says:

    @grisymary Sorry my W on my keyboard doesnt work all the time hence the spelling mistake, I would just like to say that some in the torah and the gospel and the quran tells us that there jinns,the torah confirms it I believe in most of the Torah because I am a muslim.the gospel contradicts it,there are other parts of gospel which I believe, but everything in the quran is real because hen I? read it my heart stills and my head calms and so does everyones,it is a healer for us and the jinns too

  • fatchow1 says:

    ho the hell can you believe in something you cant see? ater is h20, hydrogen + oxygen, somebody had to put them both together to make ater, it was the ??? creator. The lord of all the worlds, there are more worlds than the? planet earth,the quran confirms this. So e are trying to find the other Worlds,1 world is the heaven which only the soul can enter, the body cannot.just giving you basic knowledge of why there is Allah. There are still traces of helium up there in space from the big bang…

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