European Raid guild: Air Server: Mal’Ganis Homepage: Point of View: Shaman Healer Telgrasch Please rate, comment and subscribe.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
European Raid guild: Air Server: Mal’Ganis Homepage: Point of View: Shaman Healer Telgrasch Please rate, comment and subscribe.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Which is better healbot or grid?
@jifyum07 personally i think troll haste racial is better for elemental spec cuz u can combine it with lust and elemental mastery (and WoA of course) for major haste but for a healer the draenei HoT is way better and is most definatly not a joke at 80 as it scales extremely well with SP and AP however keep in mind i wrote the coment u responded to before the troll racial was changed to flat 20% which makes it better than it was but not better than the 40yd range insta cast mana free HoT
@EvilChiken8 the draenei HoT is a joke at 80, no where near as effective as the troll haste racial
wtf… you got like 3k haste? xD
@Cjuuuuu id say draeinei cuz of the extra HoT that costs no mana or gcd and gets 188% of spell power
i think thats the best because of the haste racial can rescue the raid!
what class would you suggest fpr a heal-shaman ? i started a troll, is that fine ?
eifel 65 – move your body
wats the name of the song???
O-O move your body by eiffel 65? Man u rock froma music perspective!
It is!
looks fun
Fraps premium
holy shit this is really clear. Clearist vid i’ve ever seen.
What did you use to record it?
the songs are funny xDDD
Hmm playing whack a mole with raid frames I see ^^
The song Kicks fucking ass
point of view ^^
power of vegetarians rofl x’D
well thx
Power of Vegetarians!!, just kidding it means Point of View
what’s pov? ;O
the music was horrible lol
you could mabye use mouseovermacros its i click less
/cast Lesser Healing Wave )
Clean kill, it took a little long thou.