ever-increasing premiums. This crisis of inaccessibility has caused many to rethink their approach to health care entirely and increasing numbers of people are finding other ways to take care of themselves and their families.
Looking to the past for answers
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
The words penned by poet and philosopher George Santayana in 1905 could not be more applicable to the current state of health care in the world today. Modern science and technology have made tremendous strides in medicine and health care but these modern approaches and practices have left centuries of wisdom to fall by the wayside. What important knowledge are they ignoring in favor of expensive research and development? How is their cure-based “modern” approach preferable to the approaches that were rooted in the overall well being of mind, body and spirit?
An healing arts community called The Center for Healing Arts may well have found the answer to these and other burning questions. By seeking the wisdom of revered experts in various fields of holistic study, they have created a DVD film series that can help subscribers to answer these questions by taking a look back to see some of the contributions given to us by cultures of the past and how these healing methods are alive and shaping the future.
The Native Americans embraced their environment by domesticating, breeding and ultimately cultivating a tremendous array of plants that are widely in use around the world today. Few people are aware that we owe a much larger agricultural debt to these early people including such everyday crops as pinto and lima beans, tomatoes,