Question by Atheistic Heart: Homosexuals, transgenders, punks, pagans, or anyone who isn’t considered “mainstream” who do you find to be…?
More tolerant and/or accepting, atheists or Christians?
I keep seeing questions saying “who’s more tolerant, atheists or Christians?” Well, I just want to know your guys opinions, since you are the ones we’re being “tolerant” or “accepting” of, I presume…(I don’t know if that sounds bad or not, I just don’t know any other way to put it, sorry.)
If you can be civil that would be much appreciated.
Fosho – No actually I see a few lesbians and pagans, as well as a deist if I’m correct so far…
Preacher – I believe there are no such verses other than “love thy neighbor.” And that, my friend, is why more than half of the world hates Christians. Due to that arrogance of yours. Sorry to say.
Best answer:
Answer by Enigma®
Generally speaking, atheists. There are caring, non-judmental Christians and bigoted atheists, but in general atheists tend to be much more tolerant and accepting of personal choices and lifestyles that do not harm others.
What do you think? Answer below!
I’m pagan and if you mean accepting here on Y!A I’d honestly have to say neither one, they’re both wrapped up in their own beliefs (or lack there of).
Atheist are generally better about ignoring pagans than Christians, often times because we return the favor, but that doesn’t necessarily make them more accepting.
That said, I’m okay with that. We can all agree to disagree, they don’t have to accept my religion and I don’t have to accept theirs (or their lack there of), we can both be happy on our own path and do our own thing.
answer: Lesbian Heathen clergy person here – hands down – atheists are more accepting overall. There are a handful of Christians that are tolerant and loving. There are some that are merely tolerant (which means intolerant basically), the majority are neither, despite what words they use.
They seldom realize that “hate the sin, love the sinner” isn’t being tolerant.
atheists mainly
Preacher is a bigot and it’s not choice to be gay etc
Hmmm. So far, I haven’t met enough atheists or christians to come to a conclusion. but i have handful of friends who are atheists and christians.
some of my christian friends are rather extremists. tried to convert me into a christian, I was just astonished but ignored her and kinda went, “haha, riiiight….” and i have another friend who’s an atheist and she kinda bashes up my religion
saying it’s stupid and whatnot. I accept people’s views, but sometimes it’s not so pleasant when they’re so hateful and cynical towards a faith.
but my best friend is atheist, so i’d say…. atheists. both of these two groups are pretty alright actually, just as long as u meet the right bunch. i dunno what u’ve been through, but my experience haven’t been AS BAD.