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dedicating the positive energy to execute and complete specific tasks for specific people. Mere energising is not enough. Programming of remedies is a must.

A classical example will be the Computer. Like Computer, any good remedy is a powerful hardware. But you need to connect and switch on the Computer to make it active and stay alive – which is “energising”. For the Computer to operate meaningfully, you need a proper software. That is the “programming” part.

Question 17 : How do you say your Crystal Energy Fields are “custom-built” ?

Crystal Grids or Crystal Energy Fields sold in the market are based on some regular designs, say, for healing or health. Here the crystals are simply assembled, mounted, (some are even) energised and sold off to the customer. There is either no programming at all or very rudimentary programming. The crystals are not selected exclusively for the customer or for his specific problems. A classical example would be what is popularly called as a Reiki Crystal Grid.

In my case, the Crystal Shape, Crystal Colour, Crystal Power and the Quantity of the Crystals are individually selected based on the Karma of the customer’s family, business, lands, buildings and the problems he is facing as well as those he would likely face, in the future. Then the Crystals are Programmed and Energised. The Crystal Energy Field is near-permanent. It will work only for the programmed tasks, for the programmed people only. There is no energy loss involved. Thus it is custom-built.

Question 18 : How do you decide which particular CEF is most suitable to a particular c;lient ?

The Energy Consultant, who builds the CEF, is necessarily a Clairvoyant, Clairsentient and

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