Question by quickgoldsilver: How can I promote my tarot readings on ebay?
I’ve listed a couple of my readings on ebay and no bites yet… I don’t use fancy pants graphics/music whatever because that’s stupid… I’m simple, and I used the free background by ebay. I’ve bought readings from other people so I only have positive feedback as a buyer not as a seller. I think I provided all the info I need to give a potential customer.
This is what I wrote:
Thank you for checking out my listing!
This is a one (1) question tarot reading, or if you do not have a specific question then I can do a general reading for a specific area (ie, finances, relationships, etc.)
My readings can vary from 3-7 cards. Length of reading depends on how I interpret the layout but expect anywhere from half a page to a full page typed. I am honest in my readings, and if I see something that is important (even if not related to your question/issue) I will mention it anyway. You will also get a picture of the layout because I believe it’s important for the customer to see the images of the tarot and to make your own connections.
All I need is your first name, question/issue, and personal email address. Please enter your info during checkout.
Expect your reading to be done in 3 days or less.
What do you think? thanks
Best answer:
Answer by janery
not really you’ll be better off making your own web site and advertising it as much as you can.
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