Question by Bonnie_Chaos: How can school officials say that teachers cannot teach religion in schools.?
I mean the board of education said that its not okay to do so.But we always are lectured on Christianity and Catholicism. Some say because its history, but theres other religions that play a big part of history.Pagans,Wiccans,Buddist.Are they being Biased?
Best answer:
Answer by kimberly0627
It is offensive to people. They should not talk about any of it.
What do you think? Answer below!
From my understanding teachers can teach religion because of its historical and political influence. However, they cannont preach or influence anyone to follow or practice a religion.
I see no problem with teaching students about religions. Its not offensive and it shouldn’t be.
How some people interpret the idea of seperation of church and state is a differen’t story. Some schools will take it literally while others will use it as some kind of a guideline. The school I went to taught us a little about religion but didn’t dwelve to deep in it. They didn’t tell us what to believe or anything like that. They did what they are paid to do, teach.
You are lectured in your HISTORY class about Christianity and such because it’s history. The history of the pagans, wiccans and such have not affected world history enough to merit taking the time to bother with it.
religion cannot be accepted as a fact that God exists
we want our children to think for themselves and believe what they want to believe without being told about the bible in public schools
dont brainwash kids in school, brainwash them at home
What my teachers do, is like when we learn about Ancient India, we learn about the religions that went on there and what the religion is all about and what they do for it, but they also talk about other things.
Like this: “You cannot teach religion in schools.” LOL
Because children go to school to learn the truth not be lied to. It doesn’t convert anyone anyway we are force to learn about religion in the UK and all it teaches us is how stupid and wrong it all it. Say no to jesus
because they would have to teach every religion in order to stay within the constitutions first amendment. teaching a particular religious belief in a public school would violate every one else right to freedom of religion. it would also violate the laws separating church and state
I don’t see why any religion couldn’t be taught in school as long as its taught as an elective and not mandatory.
You can teach religion in public schools. You just can’t teach dogma as fact. Many schools have world religions classes.
Yes, religion is part of history, but I do not feel they should be teaching the religion it self to the children in school. Religion is for church not school. School is for reading, writing, and arithmetic. Not for teachers to lecture students on their view of God.
religion can not be a required class for a degree in any public school because of the separation between church and state that is built into the Constitution. the only time religion in any form can be discussed in school is when it relates to history. this means that any religion that affects a peoples history can be discussed as part of the background information on those people and nation. Dogma, the fundamentals of conversion can not be taught, you cant preach at the kids and tell them that this is the right or wrong way to believe. Religion is to be taught at home or in private schools only. but on the other hand you cant say that there is no god either because that is preaching dogma as well. and as per other religions in history you will find that different history classes will cover different religious influences.
Your right about Christianity and Catholicism being taught as history. Each have had a huge influence on events.
The reason public schools can’t address religion and the Bible started with a woman who successfully lobbied against prayer in schools back in the ’60s or 70’s. Also, there are now so many different religions represented in any given school now days, no matter how the subject is approached someone will be left out and offended. There are also atheists to considered. Private and parochial schools can teach what ever they like, almost.
We live in an age where everyone is afraid to insult everyone else and no one wants to accept that it takes all kinds to make the world go ’round. It’s okay top talk about different forms of governments or to talk and learn about and even relish our own or someone else’s ethnical background and culture, but strt talking about religion and “Shhhh! Let’s not upset anyone.”
I mean, please. I mean what’s the big deal. I do NOT advocate the ‘preaching’ of other religions or any religion in a public school, simply because it is the wrong venue for such lesions. But learning what the fundamental history and teachings of thee religions are makes sense. People form other nations have a much better grasp of world religions then the average American. Why? Because it’s nota Taboo topic in other countries.
Here however, if you talk about Christianity in general, then the atheists will get upset and cry about it. If you talk about Christian protestants, then the Catholics get upset. If you talk about Catholicism, then the protestants are upset. If you talk about Buddhism, then all the Christians and the atheists are upset. Ho well. I say teach the history and the basic concepts of all religions., but I’m just some young girl from the east cost. Who listens to me, right?!
Oh, and by the way, Paganism (in the modern context) and the Wiccan movement, though based on ancient religions are in fact modern faiths. That is not to say they should not be taught in a “Religious Consciousness'” class or some sort. It was just a note. I hope this helps.
Depends where you live- Here where I am there are different boards we have the Seperate School Board which is Catholic & therefore teaches about catholic-Chritian Religion in school daily. There’s also religious school for Muslims, Pagans & Hindu these fall under different school boards-
We also have the public & private school boards – where religion isn’t taught