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Question by Wisdom: How can we gain a strong Spirituality?
I have a strong Spirituality soo strong i have the abilities – involving humankind’s ultimate nature, often contrasts with the earthly, with the material, or with the worldly. A sense of connection forms a central defining characteristic of spirituality

I can call a person within my mind heart without raising my voice and or body language and control of elements as i mentioned earlier on.

Best answer:

Answer by caroline
thats good you have psychic now keep it to yourself please it causes harm to amateurs

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11 Responses to How can we gain a strong Spirituality?

  • The Master says:

    you are really sick go see a doctor immediately

  • LabRat says:

    Blah blah blah. You’re pungent, I’ll give you that.

  • chuckler says:

    By trying as hard as we can to obey God-praying to Jesus/ The Father/ Holy Spirit for forgiveness,guidance and for all the gifts of The Holy Spirit. We can only do this with Gods power.

  • digi_don says:

    no offence
    It seems that your ego starting to emerge
    and when you’re drown in it, you’ll lose everything.
    I don’t call this spirituality, because by default all human are born with this capability. (starting from intuition up to occult and 6th sense)
    Stay low


  • sisi666 says:

    i am starting to feel more connected to every thing , that’s when i clear my mind and think out of the box of live and death , try to think from other peoples minds and you’ll know what I’m talking about

  • az grande says:

    If what you say were true, there would be no need to proclaim such or put on an air of superiority. Instead your humility, wisdom and actions would speak for themself.

  • Believer says:

    We already have a strong spirituality…..we just have to tune into it. It is called your authentic self….you have to let go of your ego (the false self/conditioned beliefs and perceptions) and observe the observer.

    When you realize that your soul houses the body and not the other way around, you realize that we are all connected/one. For example: although a house may have different rooms the air inside it is all one….the same goes for our soul. There is no place where our soul begins and ends (just as the air in the house has no beginning or end) so therefore all of our souls are connected (and everything else in the universe)

    Yes a sense of connection is definitely a defining characteristic of spirituality. The illusion that we are separate is what has caused every war, every crime, every rape, every verbal assault, etc….

  • Veronica S says:

    From within. Just focus on all the good and conquer the bad. Be nice to everyone no matter how much you hate them and just help others.

  • Rena says:

    Your not the only one my dear wisdom we all can all of us some are just more aware then others and they have not meditated or used their special 6th sense in life because they are busy and not focused on these special gifts from God :)))))

    Each day God is with us he does not force us to love him we have to come to him on our own accord just like you cannot make another love you by force God gives us the free will to make that choice of Spirituality on our own……………..
    Meditation is key
    Prayer to God speak to him and listen to him in the silence of your mind he is forever by our sides guiding the events and the causes in our lives…………

  • Mr. Diamond007 says:

    and others think you are weird, and a little spooky…and it seems as if you are smarter, in touch, and things happen.. no believes me either..but ability is ability, no matter what they think…but you have to be careful, there are two side to every coin……

  • angel baby says:

    by thinking positive and give it all with your heart you will gain a strong spirituality.meditations is a good also because you clear your mind out of negatives.

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