Question by TheAsender: how can you believe the words of the four gospels are really the words that jesus spoke ?
The words of Jesus were spoken in Aramic, there were no translaters among his followers writing down his words, word for word as you find them in the new testament. And word of mouth is not reliable. Many of his followers were killed when the romans put down the uprising in 70 AD and destroyed the temple. probably hundreds of scribes translated the oral sayings in greek and roman, but none of the original in Aramic were saved, yet people of today accept every word as the truth. If you have blind faith in words that are not true, then you have nothing. Yet I found Jesus by the secret sayings he spoke in the gospels of Thomas. I experienced the two into one that he spoke of in verse 22, a wonderful life changing mystic message of love, yet this did not make me a believer in the new testament or of the jewish god as I am a native shaman and believe in the creator spirit of all man kind. Jesus was a mystic or in my view a shaman, a messenger of love.
Best answer:
Answer by Greek & Coptic Translator
The same reasons that Gandhi believed it.
He made my favorite quote about Jesus when he said:
“I love Christ, but I despise Christians, for they do not live as Christ lived.”
PS. I can translate Aramaic, Greek, Coptic, etc. anf there are lots of ancient manuscripts available for examination.
What do you think? Answer below!
Jesus was God in the flesh: “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
You can believe the 4 gosples as being reliable in their message. There is no question that there is mistranslations in the New Testament. No 2 authors agree on the scene of the resurrection. In some gospels, Jesus is to meet the apostles in Galilee and in others they are to meet in Jerusalem. Most Christians refuse to take a look at things that might damage their beliefs. Maybe it’s a good thing, I don’t know.
God is well able to deliver to mankind a book that He approves of. He is God. If the bible was not sufficient then, being God, He would have not allowed it to come through the ages into our hands today. We ought not under-estimate His prowess.
Of course the writers of the New Testament didn’t try to preserve Jesus’ exact words…but they did try to preserve His exact teaching.
As for the idea that Jesus only spoke Aramaic, no, I don’t buy into that theory. Many Jews in 1st century Palestine spoke Greek.
And the “gospel” of Thomas (both of them) were written much too late to be considered reliable. Most of the New Testament was written even before the destruction in Jerusalem.
Jesus spoke Greek, not Aramaic. I can believe the words of the four gospels are His because the 24,000 manuscripts in existence from first, second, and third-generation copies of the New Testament are unanimous in corroborating the historicity and veracity of the New Testament and the gospels. Even external writers, unbelievers too, of the 1st-2nd centuries corroborate the details of Jesus’ life, sayings, death, and resurrection as reported in the NT. The basis for the historical reliability and accuracy of the New Testament is not in dispute. Your choice to put your trust in some experience rather than in God’s revealed truth is the real issue here.
The numerous historical innacuracies of the Gnostic gospels like Thomas, combined with their many departures from the New Testament in their content and message, mark them as false. It is sad that you are choosing to believe them.
“Yet I found Jesus by the secret sayings he spoke in the gospels of Thomas.”
So, for any or all of the above reasons you believe the gospel of Thomas exactly why?
Sorry to be so curt.
First of all where does it say in the Bible no one was not writing down His words and the miracles that He did. You assume alot. Also if you are beleiver you would know that when you get saved Jesus sends His Holy Spirit to live inside you, it speaks to you and guides you thru life. He is like having the creator living inside you, because He is part of the trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, they are three and they are one, of course unless you have been born again, john 3:3, you will not be able to understand that. Seeing is not believing, believing is seeing. I have seen miracles in the name of Jesus. He loves you and me very much, and the Holy Spirit told the writers of the Bible exactly what to write, so that you and me would no that He loves us and that He died for us on the cross, to wash away our sins, to forgive us, all we have to do is ask, Have you ever ask Jesus to forgive you and save your soul, just pray this sinners prayer believing and He will, jsut pray Dear Jesus, I know and confess that I am sinner in need of salvation. I believe you died on a cross at calvery and arose from the grave to wash away my sins, I ask you right now to come into my heart and save me, I pray this Prayer believing in the name of Jesus Amen. If you prayed this prayer with a sincere heart you are now a child of God, rejoice that your name is written in the Lambs book of Life. Jesus will now send his Holy Spirit to come and live in your heart and guide you into all truth. If you made a decision for Christ or have any questions, Please send me an email, God Bless YOU!!
If you do not believe how can you understand those Who do?
Hello, TheAscender:
Sometimes I detest taking the time to answer questions as they are thumbs downed and my effort is wasted.
However, to answer your question, I just read the Aramaic translation from the Eastern Peshita (original), which was not messed with by the Greek or Roman church in the fifth century.
Of course there are minor differences, but all the copies of the Aramaic agree remarkably, and enforce ones faith in the other translations as they all carry the basic information.
You are correct in noting that Aramaic was the language of the Holy Land, and Josephus says he never mastered Greek, and only a couple Jews had any success at it. So people are misinformed when they tell you Jesus and His disciples spoke Greek.
During the life of Eusebius in the fourth century, his Ceasarean library/religious seminary had many documents from first and second century bishops. He quotes frequently from them, and many spoke personally to the 12 and quoted them freely in their sermons. I’ve read his History of the Church, and it is a remarkable document up to the time the early churches attempted to unite.
God has given us a last-day Bible code to establish primitive Bible truths, for people who have difficulty digesting church error. See:
Shalom, peace in Jesus, Ben Yeshua