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Question by Gold Digger: how dangerus r tarot cards an other types of fortune telling???
ok… i no weegee boards r super dangerus cuz u let in all kinds of evil spirts u cant get rid of… but wat bout other fortune telling like tarot cards… runes.. geomancy… iching… tea leaves… 8-balls???? dont they let in evil spirits to??? r they safer than weegee boards??? an how bout the online fortune telling sites like or the downlodable fortune telling software like r.k. west an… r they safer than using the real thing???
rev. two bears…. i agree with u bout not letting spirits take control of ur hands…. they might take over ur hole body next…. so maybe even if fortune tellings not that dangerus y not use some protection jus in case??? u never no…

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Answer by sphiney

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27 Responses to how dangerus r tarot cards an other types of fortune telling???

  • mainlymoaning says:

    Its a CARD what do you think, draw yourself on a piece of paper then stamp on it for being so damn stupid

  • Winter Glory says:

    oh please, they’re just games, ouijia boards are like monopoly, tarot cards are like uno, it’s just meant to be fun.. there are no evil spirits and all that crap…

  • JJ says:

    They’re not dangerous at all. You don’t have anything to worry about from any of those things, except maybe spending too much of your hard-earned money on them!

  • Jenni B says:

    If you believe in ‘evil spirits’ and those types of things maybe you should be laying off the tarot cards for a while.

  • ThundrRoad says:

    you are dealing with agents of darkness, evil.

  • Allen B says:

    Yes your safe because it is nonsense.
    If the future could be foretold there would me no gambling!

  • ~leaving traces~ says:

    I’ve had tarot cards sitting in my house for a years and nothing “evil” has entered my house to terrorize me. It’s all in how you use them. Online fortune telling sites are a big joke in my opinion. How can a computer “feel or sense” things in your energy? It’s just for fun and entertainment. People are afraid of the unknown. That’s the real issue.

  • DA LAST REAL OG says:

    This is all against God and a sin. Read the bible or Quran more and you will see. But if you are atheist or dont believe in that type of thing you can do what you want. I’ve asked alot of pastors and church going people this same question. So yes to answer your question it is dangerous. You don’t need to know the future because if you know it you can change it, than it’s not really the future and you’re playing with life. And Life is for God to control not you

  • spaceraider420 says:

    for the unaware/ unprotected… VERY DANGEROUS… unless you know how to protect yourself… AND those around you… DO NOT CALL ATTENTION TO YOURSELF FROM THE SPIRIT WORLD… the things you speak of are not to be trifled/ dabbled with… if you truely CHOOSE this path… learn to protect FIRST then move on once you have yourself AND those you love protected

  • wildraft1 says:

    These things are only dangerous in that some idiots actually believe so much that they let it control their lives. Unfortunately, there are actually people out there that are stupid enough to buy into this crap and they base how they live their day to day lives on something a card or web site told them to do. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic!!

  • guason12003 says:

    They are very “dangerus”.
    Have you seen them being thrown?
    They cut thru candles and bananas!
    You can get yourself a hell of a paper cut!
    The 8-balls they are another kind of “dangerus”, I did a couple in the sixties.

  • findinglifeodd says:

    There is virtually no danger in ‘fortune telling.’
    They are so vague that it is quite easy for it to be correct.
    ‘You will meet a new man who will impact your life greatly.”
    Is that supposed to be the man of your dreams, a firefighter/paramedic who rescues you from dying, or how about Ed McMann telling you just won the Publisher’s Clearing House.
    Or how about the bank manager telling you were not approved for that home loan.

    It is mainly for entertainment. Even many of the call in psychics have this on their TV ads, though in very small print.

    Do not take any of this at face value.
    Unless of course the fortune telling gives exact specifics about when, where, how, and a dozen other details. And then that day it actually happens.

  • wushuboy001 says:

    if you can download software that tells fortunes as good as any psychic, that has got to tell you something. That none of them are unsafe because its all rubbish. I say this because we know all the components of a computer, we build them, and there are no psychic components, or future predicting parts of a computer.

  • Girl says:

    They can mess your head up if you really believe them. If they show bad things…you’ll be worried that the bad things will happen. If they show good things…you’ll count on it that those good things will happen. You won’t be trusting in God…who is your Father who created you. You’ll be trusting in paper signs…or the spirits who caused them to be dealt. I’m not criticizing you ..I’ve done it too.I hope I won’t do it again. I think it’s probably horoscopes..and soap operas and computer games (like YA) (I’m kidding,” Big Guys!”)
    Have you ever quit smoking..but still perk up when you smell cigarette smoke? I think it’s kind of the same.
    Edit…I thought God didn’t control us..I thought he gives us Free Will. (I think tarot cards can control you.)

  • Supergirl says:

    It is called Ouija boards. And they are all harmless entertainement.

  • T R says:

    The only danger in any of these things is believing that any of them have some kind of mystical power to impart some kind of knowledge to you. They don’t, and if you think they do, you run the risk of wasting your money, wasting your time, and making bad decisions based off of nothing more than chance, ideomotor effect and/or wishful thinking. In my opinion it’s all rather absurd nonsense. The Ouija board games might be fun to play though, especially if its the glow-in-the-dark version sold by Toys R Us. And I do like the kitschiness of the Magic 8-Ball.

  • LM says:

    I don’t believe Tarot cards will cause any harm to you. They are just a tool, they don’t call to the dead, they aren’t used to conjur up spells, etc…. I use them as a guidance tool for those who wish to seek some type of guidance in their life. They also help in sharpening your psychic abilities by understanding the symbols perceived through your mind.

  • zachary9351 says:

    They can make people who believe in them appear like superstitious Wackos.

  • Lillith says:

    *sigh* I am really tired of the thought that Tarot (and the like) is evil or dangerous.

    An 8-ball is just a toy.
    I have NEVER had any dangerous spirits stick to me by way of an oujia board.
    Tarot cards do not always tell the future and are in no way dangerous, same for Runes, I-Ching, and Tea Leaves.
    The only way that one can put themselves in danger of evil spirits is to ask those evil spirits to come to them.
    There is nothing dangerous or evil in divination. Danger & evil is all in the intent and actions of a person, not the board, cards, ball or whatever.

  • Peter D says:

    You *might* get a paper cut if you’re careless. Other than that you should be fine.

    Oh, you could also be bamboozled by a conman, so they can be financially dangerous. One way to determine if the person is a conman is to pay attention to his claims. If he says he can tell your future with Tarot cards then he’s a conman.

    Criss Angel did a bit on the Tarot cards:

  • Tamara B says:


  • ...mercurial says:

    Dangerous? Your a sad case…..

  • Holistic Mystic says:

    These forms of divination are not dangerous. Those who want to keep us ignorant of how the world really works have made some believe they are dangerous, and close-minded religions. Ouija boards can be dangerous but tarot, runes, geomancy, i ching and tea leaves are all safe methods of telling the future. I’ve tried them all. I use tarot as a book of wisdom, a map of the universe and the self, I prefer the I ching for divination. I don’t know fortune telling software, I presume they work but the interpretation of the reading needs intuition. Computer programmes aren’t intuitive you’d have to interpret it yourself for some forms of divination.

  • Rev. Two Bears says:

    many forms of divination can be extremely dangerous. the Ouija board, and automatic writing are the worst. because you are temporarily letting spirits possess your hand and arm to get the information. There is a very slight distinction between giving them the right to possess your arm and hand, and possessing you entirely.

    If you want to do this kind of stuff; PLEASE learn some psychic protection FIRST.

  • WebWeaver says:

    All of this is as dangerous as your belief makes it. There isn’t an actual answer that is FACT it’s all personal, and based in a persons individual belief, background, & culture. I don’t think any of it is evil. However if you do whether you do it in real life or online I don’t see what the difference would be.

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