magickal aspects and how these can be influential during magickal rituals.
The Elder tree is one of the sacred trees of both Wicca/Witchcraft and Druidism. It is strongly associated with Litha (Summer Solstice) and the White Goddess. In the Wiccan Rede, Witches/ Wiccans are cautioned not to set fire to an Elder: “Elder be ye Lady’s tree, burn it not or cursed ye’ll be.” Many Witches/Wiccans prefer not cutting a branch off the Elder to create a wand. They look for a fallen branch instead.
A Wand fashioned from Elder can be used to enhance the results of the following types of spells:
1. Protection and banishing
Its association with both Litha, which is the Summer Solstice, and the White Goddess, imbues the Elder with very strong protective powers. Because light rules over darkness during Litha, Elder is an excellent wood for banishing negativity. Use the wand both during circle casting and magick work when protection or banishment is required for highly positive results.
2. Prosperity
As strongly as the Elder dispels negativity, it attracts positive energy. The power of light afforded to Elder makes a wand fashioned from this wood highly effective in spells to attract Love, Luck and Prosperity.
Rose Ariadne has been practicing ancient forms of Witchcraft for over 25 years. Get more info about woods effect on magick wands here:
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