How do I get back? This is now you after you’ve left your body and experienced you within the interdimensional existence. Now the experience of getting back is a flow, you flowing and amalgamating, manifesting and then standing within and as the human physical body. For example in getting back you place yourself here in the human physical body, meaning you will then stand in the human physical body and then I sometimes start at for instance one atom, I take one atom and then amalgamate me within and as one atom, and then from there I stand up within and as all and everything of the human physical body and as I stand up within and as all and everything of the human physical body I amalgamate me within and as the entirety of the human physical body, so you literally stand up within the human physical body and as the human physical body and manifest you within and as the human physical body; so it’s a literal you flow in within the human physical body and then as you flow in, you place all and everything of the human physical body in you and as you, meaning you literally stand up within and as your human physical body, within and as all that exists within and as the human physical body you stand up within and as it, within and as you and in that standing you will manifest yourself within and as the human physical body and thus return, and that is how you get back to your human physical body. So the getting back is a flow in, amalgamation standing one and equal with and as …
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@seraphim190 You’re probably speaking about some other kind of mind/ imagination out of the body experience – this is something different and I suggest you watch the whole series to get a hold of it.
I also suggest you consider communicating in a more effective way.
relax its not that completed. if ur in ur body now then your back ok. if ur body wont move and feelings of lead what you NEED to do…. are u paying attention? ….. you NEED to RELAX back IN ok my lovely. thank you for leting me shearing with you this day.
Very interesting I was wondering all this.
Thanks Winged