Question by A Scorpio Lost: How do I meditate with my Tarot?
Everyone says to try meditating to connect to the cards. I’ve never meditated before, so I don’t know how to do it. Do I just stare at the cards until the images come to my head or do I hummmmmm or something. Please tell me what I need to do to get some answers from my cards.
Thank you
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Answer by ARE WE HUMANS?!?
tarot is where you choose a card. you rely on it and you depend on it.
just think that the card represents what will happen in your life.
or ask questions about it to yourself such as “what will happen to me in the future” ect.
it all depends on you whether what card will represent your life, ect
so technically, you dont need to meditate unless if it helps you better
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Well it’s all about brainwaves to me. The simplest way to meditate with the cards is to sleep with them. Sleeping will put you at the right brainwave for meditation. From Alpha to Delta and then to Omega in a really deep sleep. Getting to know the cards really comes from using them. Ask about the weather. Someone once asked me about the color of a girl’s underwear. I did the reading and went to ask the girl. I didn’t think it was going to be right but it was. There are better decks than others. Some were meant for meditation and are better for that then they are for reading. Personally I love the Thoth Tarot. It’s my all time favorite and I have some really nice decks. I have the Tarot of Dreams and the Guilded Tarot. I have Marseilles and Osho Tarot. I love them all but for readings and meditation the Thoth is still my favorite. Later you will see things in the cards as they become yours and part of you, that no one else can see. Take your time though and have fun.
One more thing. There is a dark side to Tarot cards. Please watch that you don’t get seduced by it. I’m talking from personal experience. Take care.