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Question by Squirrel: How do i recover lost/destroyed shaman totems?
In world of warcraft. I started a shaman, got him to 10, and then stopped playing him for some time. im not sure what i did, but i dont have the first totem you’re able to cast at level 4 i believe, and i’ve talked to the trainer in Stormwind and she doesn’t help. Obviously this could be very bad…

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Answer by kmarciano

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4 Responses to How do i recover lost/destroyed shaman totems?

  • Tyler says:

    i dont know if you can but if your level 10 why dont you just start over?

  • Mark says:

    Like they said you could start over, but most likely since you played they made a quest where you get a totem you equip at level one and works as all 4 totems. I’d try starting zone or playing all the way to 53 and getting one from an instance.

  • Vyncent says:

    As you have not mentioned whether or not you checked there, try checking your spell book and make sure that you can’t replace it there.

    If not, then I would highly recommend putting a ticket in to a GM for assistance with this matter.

  • Hoowa says:

    well first you could ask the GM for some help, and if they could not recover your totem, then since you are only level 10, so restart a new one will not be very difficult.

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