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Question by dragoneye814: How do I regain some of that sexual magic from when I was in my 20’s?
Ok I admit it, I am getting older! I am 38 now but still look youthful, however I can remember being able to “shoot accross the room” from my teens all the way through about 28 years old.
1. I smoke
2. I am 35 pounds overweight now.
3. I drink alot of pepsi.
4. I do not get much excercise.

If I change these habbits would I get back that old magic? Maybe even get a tad larger? Do any middle aged men out there have any personal experience with this? I am interested to hear from you.

Best answer:

Answer by true pinoy
hey if you are’nt comfortable to change your habits, you should not force yourself to do so…. so, you’re much older…. huh?

you supposed to f*uck a gal or a teen boy like me… to boost your sexual magic….. then, you may mbate by your own self… fantasize dude, it your thing bro,,, hey goodluck,,,

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

4 Responses to How do I regain some of that sexual magic from when I was in my 20’s?

  • Carl B says:


  • King Derrick Lovebug says:

    Definitely…you need to look into natural libido enhancement…there are a number of exercises and things you can do to increase libido and testosterone levels

    Check this out:

  • jimmy.parker06 says:

    Dude 38 in not old. You need a life style change, i.e, eat/drink healthy, exercise, quit smoking and get good rest if you want to survive another 20 years without major health issues.

  • georgetslc says:

    If you change one or more of those habits, you still may not be able to shoot as far as you used to, but you will be healthier, you will have more energy AND stamina for sex *and everything else*, and you are likely to live longer. If you change all of them, there will be a multiplier effect. That’s not magic, just reality.

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