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How Do I Start Dating?

Doc, you gotta help me!

I’m a 19 year old male, single and I haven’t dated much. I’ve only been in one relationship and am now looking for a woman to be with and I just don’t know where to look or even how to approach someone. My female cousins say to go to the movies, the mall, etc. but that doesn’t tell me how to find someone, approach them and ask them for a date!

Where do I go from here?



Let’s start here: learning to find and approach women isn’t some magic trick. It’s just a skill like any other skill you learn. The problem is that you have to learn it! Very, very few guys actually take the time to learn how it’s done and thus, spend years of their lives failing and eventually settling with only what they have dropped in their laps.

In fact, so many guys actually write to me asking for that very thing – how to get women to fall into their laps, do all their work for them, etc., etc., that it’s no longer funny!

Here’s the reality: just like animals we have our own mating and dating rituals. You want to learn how these work and then know where you can bend or break those rules to your advantage. If that seems calculated, in fact it is!

Here’s a summary of the basic skills you need:

1) How and where to find women that match you well, and knowing how to figure out which ones those are.

2) Knowing how to begin the set-up

3) How to perform the initial approach

4) How to create initial interest

5) How to get a conversation going

6) How to build rapport and connection (absolutely critical because this leads directly to attraction)

7) How to illicit the sorts of responses you want based on what you

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