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Question by Courtney: How do you go on a vision quest?

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Answer by Seth ????
A vision quest is a rite of passage, which has been used for centuries by native american indians and other aboriginal cultures. After a period of preparation, it usually involves a 3 or 4 day period of being alone, in nature, fasting, having brought along only the bare essentials to survive. Those days are spent in prayer and meditation, reflecting on life and on the changes the quester is faced with. The quester seeks Self-knowledge, and is willing to separate from familiar surroundings in order to find it. Alone in nature, without food or familiar distractions, the quester is faced with Self on as deep a level as he/she is ready and willing to open up to, and so knowledge is found. The quester is then faced with the task of bringing that new self, the new vision, the new understanding or knowledge back into the world,


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5 Responses to How do you go on a vision quest?

  • maggie w says:
    This site should explain it clearly. Good luck, kiddo! ~M~

  • Su says:

    The Vision Quest refers to an old and long-established practice common to shamanic cultures, including the indigenous American, Australian and Siberian peoples. During the Vision Quest, an individual heads off to a secluded place, a wilderness place, far away from the maddening crowds, to spend time alone and in vigil, so as to achieve a new level of self-knowledge and self-empowerment. No one makes a Vision Quest because someone else says so. No one takes a Vision Quest for a dare, or because someone else has done this. This journey/adventure, often challenging mind and body to an extreme, can only work if/when we feel intensely drawn to such an action in the first place.

    We might choose to do a Vision Quest because we have reached a point in our life where/when only Change will do, regardless of our former opinions on the matter. We feel the edge of a precipice that we stand against. We need to answer a few questions about life, the universe and sammidges and books and other people don’t give us the answers.

    This Vision Quest could range from an all-night vigil to a camp-out-in-the-wilds scenario for a number of days. Obviously the preparation required will depend upon the amount of time you plan on taking over this experience. Health and Safety factors also need considering, for example, when the quest involves a number of days or a remote locale. The time of year, weather conditions, minimum night temperatures, our health (as examples) will need some investigation and consideration.

    1) The All-Night Vigil:

    For our intent and purposes, the all-night vigil will serve as a sufficiently dynamic action to kick our selves into gear, if we put our mind to it. Choose a location that will afford seclusion and privacy. Take your time about this. You do not want to get disturbed by strange people wandering around in the middle of the night. You could even opt to sit out under a tree in the back garden, if you thought that you could resist the temptation to call it quits early and go inside for a warm cuppa or a pee, she muses.

    PRIOR to an all-night vigil, and after you have clearly defined, to yourself, why you want to do this, consider the following, namely a) choose a suitably secluded and safe location; b) decide on the duration, such as midnight to sunrise; c) consider what clothing you will wear (keep it simple and loose); d) determine what extras you might take (thin blanket, bottle of water); e) decide whether you will utilise mind altering substances, or not; and f) organise transport to/from the location, if necessary. AFTER an all-night vigil, a) gather up your belongings and senses; b) return home; c) take a warm bath or shower if feeling a little chilled; d) eat and drink; e) write a detailed journal account of the vigil; and f) rest on the following day (preferred).

    The all-night vigil, outside, takes you out into the elements and under the expanse of the night sky for a magical experience par excellence, but can we do this indoors?

    2) The Temple Sleep:

    If you created/designated a separate room set up as a personal temple or meditation space, then you have the option of doing a Temple Sleep. Please note that you cannot do a Temple Sleep from the comfort of your own bed. You need a magical space complete with all the necessary imagery and special effects of such a single-purpose area.

    You would enter this room at a designated time, light a candle, and remain in the room until dawn. You may, or may not, choose to do some ritual work prior to settling down quietly for the remainder of the time. Since you use an indoor space you may opt for wearing no clothes at all, and just use a blanket and a small cushion for the sleep/dream part of the night. A small blanket, such as a crocheted knee rug, that does not cover you properly, will probably prevent you from sleeping deeply through the night, and makes for the ideal covering. Lack of creature comforts and intermittent sleep will enhance the potential to dream and to remember the dreams (the intent behind such action). Leave the temple in the morning, and conclude as you would any other overnight vigil, with a recorded journal entry and food/drink.

    What you will get out of a Vision Quest, no one can rightly say. Arguably, this will make for a uniquely individual experience, and one filled with insights and new opportunities. Whether you come into contact with some immediate response to the quest, or whether you walk away in silence, having endured an uneasy time, the world may well feel and look a little different. You will find new resolve and the motivation to go on to new and better things. What that means, only you will truly know.

  • MichaelMN says:

    The answers below are good answers.

    I would like to suggest that there are other smaller ways that one can go on a vision quest – it wont be life changing, but could be important in other ways.
    Essentially what I am suggesting is that if you alter your way of viewing the world, you are exploring a new vision. Staring at a candle and letting your mind go, listening to music (drums in particular), doing yoga or jogging, all these can send you off on little journeys outside yourself.
    It may not be a full Vision Quest, but sometimes just taking a few steps off your normal path can be enlightening.

  • Light says:

    You go see the Tauren Elder in Mulgore. (ex WoW player lol)

    (or take some acid, thats how most ppl go about it)

  • Yumi K says:


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