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Question by all_out_rocker92: How do you go on a vision quest?
what exactly do you have to do?
i want the old fashioned indian vision quest,ya know to find yourself.

Best answer:

Answer by Cheryl E
I don’t think there is anything you exactly have to do. What do you want from a vision quest? To find a totem animal, or all the answers to life? Or to just know yourself? You have to know what you are questing for. You don’t have to go to a mountaintop or cloister yourself away for days on end. I had plenty of “vision quests” taking road trips with my dog. It’s really just a euphemism for finding your place in the world.

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2 Responses to How do you go on a vision quest?

  • Anne H says:

    A vision quest would not be something to be entered into lightly. AFAIK, there is a period of fasting involved as well as intense religious preparation.

    This would not be something you could do by simply reading a book and ingesting a hallucinogenic plant.

  • isadora says:

    as said before, it depends. to figure out spirit animal, try meditating on a vision of an empty field surrounded by forests. think about nothing for as long as you can. eventually, an animal will come out of the forest and into the clearing, and this will be your spirit animal.

    of course, there’s also the animals which mean most to you– the ones you drew as a child, dreams about animals, affinities for animals, etc etc. sometimes a different animal represents a different part of yourself or a phase of your life.

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