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Question by time_spiraling: How do you properly charge / use a crystal?
I’m asking this question in the context of the metaphysical principles stated in the ‘Law of One.’ The context in which i speak refers to the set level of polorization required for the crystal / user to open / activate the gateway to intelligent infinity.

Each individual has a unqie path to follow to reach this threshold of polarization, but i was wondering if anyone has specific information about the charging / use of crystals.

I realize this is a highly technical/esoteric question. Thank you for your consideration.

Best answer:

Answer by Justsyd
Place crystals in the reflected light of Austrian crystals, i.e., where the rainbows from such crystals fall. (Note: Austrian crystals are leaded glass, hence human-made crystals). The crystals can remain in place for as long as the Austrian crystals are reflecting sunlight.

Place crystals on a quartz cluster. Quartz amplifies the energy of any crystal with which it is in contact.

Crystals can also be activated with sound. Put a crystal near a single-note chime and strike the chime gently several times. This has a harmonizing effect on the crystal.

Your thoughts can have an activating or de-activating effect on crystals. If your thoughts have been gloomy and you’ve also been noticing that your crystals have gotten cloudy or dull, you’ll realize that they’ve been absorbing your negativity. In this case do not delay in clearing them thoroughly.

To activate crystals with your thoughts you could hold them in your hands and visualize them bathed in light and love. You can also tell them (either silently or aloud) how much you appreciate them. They may not understand the words (and, then again, they may), but your intention will be clearly transmitted.

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3 Responses to How do you properly charge / use a crystal?

  • Janet L says:

    Thanks for answering this JustSyd

  • danielpauldavis says:

    The one who is infinite intelligence made crystals for beauty, not for access. He wants to speak to you, but your spirit is dead and needs to be born again to be able to hear Him. Meanwhile, you, of course, are also unable to speak to Him.

    While you have gotten into some highly technical stuff there, it is all a distraction. “Polarization” applies to electronics/magnetization, not to stone-based crystals. While a crystal-user could be “polarized,” it is a metaphorical term and it generally has a negative meaning when used of people.

    The “Law of One” repeats the Wiccan “As above, so below” that whatever is there is repeated here. The problem with that is being ignorant of what is really there. Only one has been there and come here to describe it. Others have provided only guesses. That “law” applies to setting up generalized actions here, but is too vague to be applied to something as specific as “aligning a crystal.”

  • sarah says:

    this site might help

    also try you’ll have to register but it is free and will help with this topic and many many others, try it for yourself, good luck

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