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How Does The Psychic Feel During A Reading?


When a psychic gives you a reading, she or he will be waiting for the formation of psychic impressions to begin. They may surface as feelings or emotions. A “knowing” that the reader suddenly has about the question. Most psychics use this ability to feel or sense emotion as the basis for all their psychic work. This ability to easily pick up emotions is called being “empathic”. A psychic who uses his/her empathic abilities is called an “empath”. Most, if not all, psychics are empaths as it is my belief that this is the very first of the psychic abilities to develop. Some psychics or seers may be more visual than the “average” empath and may actually begin to “see” impressions form, or hear or sense, another clairvoyant sense is to taste. The psychic information comes through on the right side of the brain – the creative, visual side.


Q. Can The Future Be Predicted?


A. Since ancient times people have had precognitive powers, and prophecy has been a big part of many religions. Many people today still believe that it is possible to predict the future and many use psychic readings to do just that. The Temple of Apollo in Delphi for example housed the most important oracle of ancient Greece, known as Pythia. The Royal family, politicians, important heads of state and celebrities all consult psychics for predictions. Many ‘ordinary’ mortals have had dreams which have later turned out to be with uncanny accuracy spot on. Free will can change the outcome of the future and precognition is a glimpse of a possible future that is based upon present conditions.


Rachel Saxon writes for the metaphysical industry & is a Reiki Master.

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