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Question by claptic: How important do you think the work of a shaman is who dries the substance obtained in the parotid glands of a?
bufos marine toad, then smokes it in order to visit the underworld like Hercules, Jesus, and many others who are said to have gone there in order to help their brothers and sisters? What could be brought back to help your tribe?

Best answer:

Answer by ????+??
“The toad involved is the Sonoran Desert Toad, also called the Colorado River Toad, and carries the binomial Bufo alvarius. It is not the closely related marine toad Bufo marinus, as some people have insisted, prompted by the early Olmec and Mayan iconography.”

this article has info on dosages and all sorts of good info.

once you take these substances the veil of separation dissolves. the importance of this to the tribe is fairly obvious….i also think each on of us though who are on a personal evolution can benefit from substances which serve to mesh the unconscious with the conscious as well as the physical with the non physical .

Cary Grant-of his experiences with hallucinogens
“I have been born again. I have been through a psychiatric experience which has completely changed me. I was horrendous. I had to face things about myself which I never admitted, which I didn’t know were there…..I was an utter fake, a self-opinionated bore, a know-all who knew very little. I found I was hiding behind all kinds of defenses, hypocrisies and vanities. I had to get rid of them layer by layer. The moment when your conscious meets your subconscious is a hell of a wrench. With me there came a day when I saw the light.”

What do you think? Answer below!

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