Question by Lunna: How interested South Africans are about Tarot readings?
I’m a foreign Tarot reader living in PE for a year now. I would like to know how people here are interested in that kind of subject. I’m planning to work with that but I haven’t noticed much of interest from people, at least in the area I stay. Any suggestions? Thank you very much!
Best answer:
Answer by Parish
Tarot readings mate are evil things, just leave it alone. Play with fire and you sure to be burned. Been there done that and have my ‘T’ shirt.
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The Tarot South Africa facebook page is a free virtual meetup space where enthusiasts of Tarot and other forms of cartomancy can connect and share views, news, links and details of upcoming events.
There is also the Cape Readers’ Network and The Cape Town Tarot Association that meets monthly (next meeting is this Saturday 19 June).
The Tarot Society of South Africa is based in Durban but does not seem to be very active.