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Question by Elise: How is Christ glorified by these things?
1. His birthday is arbitrarily celebrated on December 25th, chosen at best at random and at worst as part of a pagan ritual. The day is usually characterized by placing a pagan tree (green for “everlasting life”) in the living room, taking your kids to practice superstition with santa claus, and a big helping of materialism worshipping as kids scream and lose control over presents (think America’s Funniest Videos examples).

2. On Easter, when it is celebrated that Christ rose again, we find yet another pagan ritual that has to do with fertility (rabbits). Kids search for eggs and their focus is on their prizes (candy, coins).

3. On the day they acknowledge Christ’s crucifixion, it’s called GOOD Friday. I looked up some information and saw people trying to weasel around it saying “Oh, they got ‘God’ and ‘good’ mixed up years ago” or “Oh, good doesn’t mean good, it means holy.” I’m not buying it.

Why are all of the days that should be about Christ focusing on pagan rituals? Why the distractions? And why am I the crazy one if I point out these things?

Best answer:

Answer by wetjack
Christian holidays were created around Pagan holidays to make converting the Pagans of Europe easier.
I thought this was common knowledge?

Oh, and while we’re on it, did you ever notice the similarity between Jesus’ life and Ra’s life? Pretty uncanny.

Add your own answer in the comments!

7 Responses to How is Christ glorified by these things?

  • Domo says:

    Christ is gloriefied if you listen to his teachings and obey his words. It’s not a sin if the temptation is around and you do not give in. Christ is honored by how you live your life not by what and how you do on these days. For all days are Christs if you are with Christ.

  • Eric M says:

    The dates are not that important! The fact that we celebrate the Lord Jesus and what he came here to do and was very successful at, counts!
    Like failure was an option!

  • Angel SA says:

    Don’t buy it! But Christ is glorified by these things because they are good and they are done to praise Him in remembrance. Some of this traditions have become part of many Christian celebrations that have nothing to do with Christianity.


  • ashantie says:

    u are not stupid to ask these questions because sometimes i wonder the same thing.
    in each of those festivals or celeberation christ should be worshiped.people normally get carried away and think and over react about all those festivals.people take christmas for example to recieve gifts and to go out and party.i may not can answer ur question because it is a puzzled one but all we have to do as gods children is serve him and do what we know is right so that we will be ready for his return.i wish u luck and i hope if ur not a christin(born again)ull give ur heart to the lord.he will never fail u.sometimes it will seem like hes not near but hes always on time.the holy bible says young men i call up on u because ua re strong.

  • sylvia c says:

    you are right santa claus, christmas trees have nothing to do with the birth of christ. People forget that He was born in a lowly stable, and that He chose the lowly womb to make His entrance into the world.

    easter, I have often wondered what the easter bunny had to do with Christ’s resurrection. It should be a day of joy and giving glory to God for the gift of His only begotten Son

    Good Friday, Christ’s cruxifiction and death, It is suppose to be day where people are to remember, the ultimate sacrifice he made for us. Have no idea why it is called good Friday.

  • Karen B says:

    satin loves to stir things up. He is the author of confusion . God looks on the purity of the heart. anything can be misconscrewed and made to look bad. The devil takes someting pure and distorts it. God takes something distorted and makes it pure through forgiveness(Jesus)Grace

  • technician68 says:

    you are not crazy friend, you are exactly correct,.
    because they are trying to take Christ out of every thing, because even hearing his name condemns them. but the devil tried 2000 years ago to snuff the name of Jesus out and felled and will always fell.
    the make up the easter bunny and santa clause and such things as the tooth ferry figuring if they cant make the grown people deny Jesus than they will try to convince the children and not pass the name of Jesus down to them or make it as a myth like santa and the easter bunny. figuring the children will say in there selves yeah right Jesus , kinda like the easter bunny and tooth ferry and santa huh mom. you lied to me about that so this must be a lie also, good question
    keep the faith . prayers

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