How Magickal Pearls are Acquired Part 1
We are often inquired how mustika or magickal pearls are extracted by shamans from Nature’s realm or how some people are fortunate enough to be gifted by Her. It certainly is appropriate that collectors and those interested in the subject of animal/plant stones acquire more information in this regard. Those who are misinformed or are not properly educated on the processes of pearl-acquisition by shamans often mistakenly believe that animals fall prey to hunters of these pearls and are killed indiscriminately without compassion; generally speaking, this is not the case here in Indonesia as wanton killing is a waste of time and resources even for shamans and would put them on Nature’s black-list and cause them to lose their raison d’être. It is important to stress that one would hardly find animal-pearls through such killing.. Shamans are careful in maintaining a good relationship with Nature and Her forces as it is through working with Her rather than against Her that the magickal pearls are acquired. It would, therefore, probably be proper if we were to offer some enlightenment and remove the concerns that some individuals might harbour in their minds.
In almost all cases of magickal pearl-acquisition there lies an element of the mystique, of the occult and the processes of shamanic work. Nature offer these pearls possessing magickal properties to humanity and she often does so in ways that borders upon the miraculous and the “supernatural.” We know this to be true as a result of several personal experiences where we were gifted by Nature of unusual objects with inherent talismanic value. We need not elaborate on this, the point being that when the hidden forces of Nature wishes to display their fondness,