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Question by Suthern Gal 22: How many atheists,agnostics or pagans here are conservatives?
It seems that most atheists,agnostics and pagans are for the most part liberal or libertarian in their political views. But of course there will always be dudes breaking out of the mold.

Best answer:

Answer by Brian
I’m a libertarian I suppose. That’s at least conservative in one direction…

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

16 Responses to How many atheists,agnostics or pagans here are conservatives?

  • Hun-Ahau, El Tecolote says:

    I don’t know, but I’m libertarian. I can’t really stand the Libertarian Party though; a lot of the people in the LP are just Republicans in disguise (Bob Barr and Ron Paul, for example).

  • pab says:

    i consider myself independent, maybe you could call me a libertarian

    I think the republican party has been used up and is worthless, but the democrat party isn’t necessarily a good replacement

  • adam s, the oregonian cali guy says:

    i’m a weird conglomerate of beliefs that averages out to be moderate. on no topic am i moderate, but it just averages out that way.

  • Toxic rose is a basket case says:

    I’m pretty much liberal on most issues, but that’s just me.

  • Rayven-Fried Sea Kittens Anyone? says:

    Liberal pagan

  • ? Kate ? says:

    Hmm, you could say THAT, or you could say that it seems that most religious people are conservatives. Christians, that is.

  • mt says:

    I am agnostic, and am not conservative..


  • Papagenu III says:

    about 5 people, maybe 6 on the weekends

  • Maiden of Artemis says:

    I’m half and half. I tend to be more liberal, but I believe in smaller government, the right to own guns and that Nancy Peloci is a moron.

    Other than that stuff, I’m pretty liberal.

  • Marc P says:

    i guess I’m conservative – at least by Canadian standards

  • jessloveslipgloss says:

    Im SUPER libral but i like the democrats. I just speak out ALOT and im VERY opinionated.

  • irkt says:

    I’m the last of a dying breed, a Rockefeller Republican. Fiscally RESPONSIBLE and socially conscious.

    Todays Conservatives aren’t. Have you SEEN the deficit? And the one Reagan/Bush the First left Clinton?

    People have assumed President Obama is a liberal, probably because he’s black and came out against the Iraq War. His policies are more in line with a Centrist Democrat. And I’m psyched.

    (btw, that’s my first time typing “President Obama” and I LOVE it…)

  • hpfan963 says:

    Personally I think I’m both. More conservative though on some matters. I don’t approve of abortion. I don’t approve of strip clubs, dirty magazines and prostitution. I think you should wait until marriage to have sex.

  • The Notorious P.I.G says:

    I am a libertarian I suppose, I can’t stand the left right political crap that I see in the US.

    Irkd, It would seem your take on Obama’s positions being “Centrist” are at variance with those who know him best… I have never heard a “centrist” talk about wealth redistribution, “redistributive justice” (Reparations), or call the constitution of The United States “Fundamentally flawed”

    Isn’t bret Heart a Canadian?

  • Buddy_Lee_Hombre_de_accion says:

    Most that I have met on here have been liberal. But outside of this forum I have met far more who were conservative. Generally they had a higher education and were more wealthy. The poorer and less educated the atheist, agnostic, and pagan was, the more liberal they seemed. However, I don’t know if it’s truly the education or the money that affects it.

  • AuroraDawn says:

    Liberal Humanist atheist

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