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How One Woman Expresses Metaphysical Ideas Through Art

The Giclee prints, cards, and prints of children’s book author Kimberly Wickham, the creative mind behind the Angels and Horses children’s book series, are not your typical young adult fare. Rather than the glossy photographs of too-skinny, makeup-wearing girls portrayed on the covers of the latest brand offerings from Alloy Entertainment (of the “A List” and “Gossip Girl” fame), Wickham’s work seems to be in touch with what it means to be a child perched on the cusp of adolescence: at once whimsical and imaginative, full of fantasy and heart. In “The Comforting Horse,” for example, a horse sits upright in order to hug a distressed little girl in her hooves, while “Chair Collapsing into its Wave Potential” sees the quantum potential for magic in the most seemingly mundane of objects. Like her children’s books, Wickham’s art seeks to capture the wonder of childhood.

Wickham’s books in the Angels and Horses series – among them Angels and Horses, Summer of Magic Horses, and Angels, Horses and Other Worldly Lessons – all explore the adventures of a young girl called Tina, who learns to overcome real-world challenges like a parent’s illness and schoolyard bullies with “other worldly” solutions as she learns more about the powers of the “law of attraction.” This law, made famous by the self-help phenomenon “The Secret,” suggests that positive thinking can actually change the world at a quantum level, and that philosophical and creative thought – which  Tina learns to exercise with the help of her guardian angel Marguerite and beloved pet horse Dancer – can be a step towards improving one’s own life.

Wickham’s art reflects this notion, with mystical paintings and drawings like those depicting a series of riders crossing

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