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road to making peace with Africa, then he would have to decolonise Africa for the sake of peace. Again, in President de Gaulle’s mind, decolonisation was not an end, but a means to an end. Quite naively, again, many saw an end in it.

As a consequence, neither did the Emancipation Proclamation stop brutality on Black Americans, nor did the promulgation of African independences stop the savage exploitation of Black African lands by the West. Why? – Because these measures were actually not intended for a practical enactment of their pledges. They were only fake moves. And there are millions of such fake moves in the history of Western legislations, conventions and policies that are set up to give the impression of improvement in matters of the treatment of the Black man, to cover the fierce fight behind closed doors to keep the Black man in a ‘brutalisable’ condition.

One could go even much further back in time to make this point by advancing that William Wilberforce’s noble battle for the abolition of the slave trade was not itself due to the sympathy that the Anglo-Saxons might have felt for the slaves; but rather because, after the Anglo-Saxons succeeded in building the most powerful colony of population on earth (the USA) by means of slavery, they feared competition from the Portuguese and the Spanish who then began to take a keen interest in treading into their footsteps by importing Africans for Brazil and Cuba. As a strategy to win the impending competition they decided, instead, to enact the abolition of the means of competition for their competitors.

Of course, this is not how the enterprise was presented to you. It was presented to you as a highly moral and humanistic

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