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Indians four-hundred years ago. But the game has to keep playing its tune, just for now!

This is the game that has characterised the main principle behind Western manoeuvres over the under-civilised world; the world of those whom the West needs to brutalise for gain and dominance; a game that consists in creating misimpressions, so well crystallised in the propagation of this new type of intelligence that recommends that you say what you don’t think and do what you don’t say; as expressed, for instance, in the pretentious advocacy for what is known in the Anglo-Saxon world as “equal opportunities”; that noble enunciation – “equal opportunities” – but under which you are, quite bizarrely, still required to tick a box for your blood. Things that are “equal” do not fall into different boxes, do they?

In fact, what we are confronting in the face of this game is the question of the place and value of the principle of “universality” and even considerably more so in terms of “universal equality” between humans. When the civilised people of the West say “equal something” as referring to inter-human relations, what do they mean? Do they mean that they may exist equally, but not considered equally? Or do they mean that they may be considered equally, but not judged equally? Or do they mean that they may be judged equally, but not retributed equally? […?] Because, at the end of the day, equality must end somewhere, at some point, since they are eventually dropped into different boxes.

Is this Western principle of equality between humans only a matter of selecting a few faces from all races to be utilised in organised Western media games where they are set up to interact

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