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neighbours’ ways of existence. But, above all, respect for everyone’s ability to compete by his own way of existence as well as the different valuable means of competition that proceed from these different ways of existence.

What is wrong with Western intelligence in the face of this principle is its fraudulent subtleties; its ability to fake its moves. Some time ago, when we used to go for a conquest, we used to call it ‘conquest’. And the world watching us knew what to expect from us. Today, when we set out for a conquest, we rather call it ‘liberation.’ And from the confusion between what we do and what we say, and the incurring brouhaha of supputations and speculations that creep up at the pace of our blundering gallops towards human annihilation, the world ends up with no clear idea of what to expect from us. Is this what defines Western intelligence – duplicity?

I was, yet, to presume that the improvements that we have made in our knowledge and understanding of the nature of the human being over the past thousand years should not make it possible anymore for any human community to cherish the belief that another community may need crashing into; otherwise this amounts to denying conscience and existence to others. And, although some of us may keep arguing that the intention of those who have often crashed into others – personified in imperialism and colonialism – has never been to deny them conscience and existence, but rather to improve them, the question is: to improve them in matters of what?

Some used to propound that they needed to be taught about speech. Yet, we now know that there is not one single human community born and raised mute.


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