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refer to as “Black people”.

Therefore, the exercise that we are assigned to carry out in this book is to look into the philosophical, scientific and political manoeuvres that the Western world has employed to shape out and settle in a state of total decadence in the lives and minds of today’s Black people, as now fully manifest in Black people’s inability to make sense of the principles of human development, as well as the existential inflictions that have resulted from this state of things and that have turned Black people’s lives into an infernal spectacle of daily torture and distress; which has caused the question as to what is wrong with Black people to be raised in the first place.

But our exercise in this book is also, and most importantly, to give clear indications of the only effective wayout that we can and must follow; because, we simply have to get out!

This is why the primary objective of this book is not only to prove what is wrong with what we are doing, but also to show what is right with what we should be doing instead.

So, what is wrong with Black people?

Once again, we remind that the answers to the profoundest angles of this question are to be found in “What is Wrong with Black People?” (ISBN 978-1-84799-323-6); the only book that, in our knowledge, can help us understand what is actually going on in the world today; a book in which the most unsuspected – yet, the most damning – causes of the suffering of the people of Africa as well as the struggles of their brothers and cousins of the West are not only laid open with courage, but also resolved with vision, for a greater understanding of the true needs and aspirations of Africans

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