Question by TOTALLY AWESOME: How Sexual was Jesus?
Did he get ‘wood’? Did he ‘choke his own chicken’ Did he have a wet dream? Did he have sex with 100s of women in the time of his life that was left out of the Bible?
If I had Jesus’ magical powers, I’d use them to impress women so I could get laid around the clock.
“Jesus had no need for sex, since He is God, perfect and complete by Himself.”
God has no need to eat either, but Jesus ate a lot. Maybe he munched on females’ groins too! Maybe he was a sex machine in his middle years!
“Jesus never entertained any Fleshy desires ”
BUT HE ATE FOOD! He desired food and he ate it. Looks like he entertained satisfying his hunger. I bet he satisfied his sexual hunger too. Does the Bible prove me wrong?
Best answer:
Answer by satan.lovesus
jesus did all of the above and more. read the bible, he was an animal sexually, and he showed off to all who wanted to see
Add your own answer in the comments!
No. He was chaste and Jesus is our pattern in all things —
God still loves you even if you curse Him. You are only hurting yourself with your own actions, and will face His wrath one day if you refuse to come to Christ. You are full of the devil and his lusts.
Jesus is God, and Is Complete.
God made man in His image, Adam was complete, but God then decided to split Adam, take the female out of Adam so Adam could multiply. Jesus had no need for sex, since He is God, perfect and complete by Himself.
May God forgive you for your disrespect and immaturity.
i recall ever hearing that Jesus had a blank patch of flesh between his legs and since everything has a purpose……………..
youre gonna get a lot of “your going to hell for saying that” answers. but seriously, according to the resident jesus person, no he was not. in any form, fashion, or otherwise. he was perfectly normal as any other person, but it is seriously doubted that he was wasting time on “that”.
Jesus never entertained any Fleshy desires because he was on a mission to do the will of our Father in Heaven…..Let me tell you this much…If anything tried to come upon Jesus that was in opposition to serving his Father, he prayed and he prayed hard…..You best believe that much………
I believed he was married, (his Jewish cultural upbringing would of had a marriage arranged or it would of looked really bad that he was 30+ and not married.) But I believe he would of been faithful to his wife.
why dont you go and fu(k your own a$s buddy, you can sleep around the clock with urself.
it seems like you had ate a lot of $hit last night, don’t worry, it will all get out when a starving kid of any backward nation will squeeze you from your belly.
Well, it’s possible he did some of those things, but very unlikely. ‘chocking your chicken’ is a sin… But then, so is a wet dream, so I dunno how thats supposed to work.
Anyway, yeah. Not likely…. Although that Mary Magdalen chick was a ‘reformed’ prostitute. Maybe she was giving it to him on the side. I mean, they were pretty chummy.
i believe it is confirmed that Jesus was married to at least 2 different women.
if not more, even at the same times.
miriam at age 18, she died shortly thereafter
Mary at about age 30, if the marriage of canaan is jesus the bridegroom. or sometime after that.
there are 3 children that seem to have been born, Tarah, Jesus, and Judas, and even possibly John. that i know of,..
the Koran says jesus was genetically changed but the bible says Jesus was Tempted as any human mortal could be “but without sin”.
I realize that this is a troll question, but no one really knows.
And I’ll answer it anyway.
It was the father’s duty to any son to have a wife lined up way before any son was very old, often before birth. Life was short in the M. E., and hard. And as a member of the Tribe of Israel that would have What Joseph would have done
As well, sex outside of marriage was frowned upon then, just as it is in Islam today. Both these religions have a common root.
Thus, for a man to be running around with other men talking of kindness, love, caring for one’s fellow persons on this planet, rather than taking up a trade was unusual. Particularly since he was challenging authority, and the elitist classes — priests and politicians.
Stories abound as to just what he did during life….leading many scholars to believe that the recorded life of Jesus was likely the life of several men. Jesus was as common a name then, and Robert is today.
Prophets came before him/them, and after him/them. He/they was just one/several of many.
You may spend most of your time thinking about your little head but lots of people don’t, and for sure didn’t in his day.
May God have mercy on your soul.
jesus did did not have Sex and he was not sexuall! in the Bible it says that sex is to be saved for Marriage. So Jesus never married. which means he never had sae or was sexuall.
Jesus should have got married, he had the same desires as any man, maybe more so as he was a true man. He remained pure and a virgin but God’s original plan was for Jesus Christ to marry and have children. I bet he would have had at least 12 children.I wish he had had 20. Then his and Gods true lineage would be on earth now. And would have spread and goodness would have multiplied. We would be living in the Kingdom on Earth. That is what we need, a model family.
I bet he turn 1 dollar into thousands like fish and loafs…then went to the strip bar and got all the lap dances and a happy ending