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Question by Samjoko.: How should I go about choosing a tarot deck?
I’ve always been interested in getting tarot cards – so I finally buckled down and decided to get my first deck.

I’ve been seeing about how to choose a deck, but I have no stores around here that sells any decks, so I can’t guage which gives me the best energy by picking it up. I can only do this by looking online.

The problem is though, most of the decks I find are pretty dull or just don’t show any meaning to me. They just don’t seem to connect with me visually. I’ve only narrowed it down to two: Deviant Moon Tarot, and the Gilded Tarot.

I pretty much have my mind set up on Deviant Moon – Gilded Tarot is visually pleasing, but for some reason I feel that’s all there is to it.

But this is something else about Deviant Moon. At first I didn’t connect with the images – they were out of this world. but there was something beneath it that kept me coming back to look at it. But it looks like I would connect pretty well with it, even without touching it – should I go by that?

Also, I’d like to give readings to other people, but I don’t think they would be intrigued to these cards like I am. Is there another deck that is about the same that would connect with other people very well?

If you feel differently about what I choose – this is my first time – please let me know!
Sorry, my browser messed up, didn’t mean to double post!

Best answer:

Answer by psymistress
I don’t think you need to worry at all about how others will react/respond to your deck. It is your energy that flows through them and connects with them. I would definitely recommend being able to touch them before buying them, but if that is just not in the cards (sorry I couldn’t resist) then I think you are being as smart and careful about choosing your first deck as you can be and should probably go with the deck that means the most to you.
Good luck on your new journey and Blessed Be )O(

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2 Responses to How should I go about choosing a tarot deck?

  • Geezah says:

    I’d say to go with whichever one is not only visually appealing, but also reflects the standard 78 card set (4 suits, plus the major arcana like “Death”, “The Emperor”, “The Tower” etc.). This makes it much easier to make use of most books written about the Tarot.

    >>Is there another deck that is about the same that would
    >>connect with other people very well?

    Personally, I pretty much stick with something like the Universal Rider-Waite, because that deck (or some variation of it) is the one people see in the movies.

    (And like my avatar, I’m going to “duck” now from the flame answers that come from both the atheists and the Jesus freaks whenever anybody posts a Tarot question.)

  • Lazlo says:

    Interesting deck, If your drawn to it that’s all that matters, but you have a point regarding giving people reading who aren’t used to the deviant deck.
    I would still keep a rider-waite-smith deck handy.
    & good readings )O(

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