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How to Attract Wealth With Money Drawing Spell

Magic or spell casting is an all too important part of paganism. And those with empty pockets and purses and open minds might try out a few pagan Money Drawing Spells in boiling cauldrons to increase the chances of winning a million dollar jackpot. Let me enlighten you with a few more important facts regarding Money Drawing Spell.

You have to understand that it is actually all determined by the elements. According to pagan pantheons, the different elements stand for or control various specific intentions. For e.g. financial growth, money matters, real estate, material wealth and worldly prosperity are governed and influenced by the element earth.

Since it is a Money Drawing Spell you are after, you need to use earthly correspondences in the form of days of the week, colors, stones and herbs in your spell.

Items required in a Money Drawing Spell

• You should choose Sunday and Thursday for days of the week.

• Orange and green should be your ideal colors.

• Some of the herbs you require for your spell are mint, ginger, dill, cedar, almond, patchouli, mugwort and honeysuckle.

• Amongst crystals and stones you need onyx, peridot and moss agate, jade, aventurine and amber.

These are directly related to increasing the cash flow in your life. Along with these, you also need to consider the lunar influence. Since it is a Money Drawing Spell you want to perform, it is best to perform it during the phase of a new moon. Money spells have to be performed directly under the moonlight, so that your rites and rituals receive that much needed boost.

You can either chant rhymes written by other people or magicians or you may

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