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existing relationship and you need to repel the interloper.

You may have doubts about the morality of influencing people by psychic means but it is more common and normal than you might think. When it comes to love and sex the emotional tides are enormous and anyone with any natural psychic ability has an unfair advantage. Hence we see those lucky few that have the pick of the catch. Those whose psychic magnetism is reinforced by their confidence and their confidence reinforced by their success. Wouldn’t it be nice to get a head start like that? And think of all the messing around and expense it would save you! Besides, most people in western society are psychically isolated and have lost the ability to connect at more than a superficial level so they need a helping hand.

So, what kind of psychic do you need to do this kind of stuff? The short answer is you need a good one, and one that has a talent for doing this kind of work. Most psychics read cards or use some other kind of divining. They tell you about your life and you may come away with some useful insight about your past, present and future. This will probably be couched in vague terms that will give you that “aha!” moment when a revelation falls into place.

On the other hand, psychics that can remotely study and influence the people around you can intervene on your behalf directly. This level of power requires a high degree of talent, will, skill, dedication and energy and the people that can do this are few and far between. To be effective the psychic work that these people do for you is highly personalized. They will ask you questions and possibly ask for names and photographs before magical rituals are carried out.

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