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How To Cast A Protection And Money Spell

Protection From Evil Spell

Prepare your altar and external sacred space (by casting your circle).

Visualize a triple circle of purplish light around your body while chanting:

“Thrice around the circle bound

Evil sink into the ground”

If you feel especially threatened, you can do this spell every night for as long as needed to strengthen the protective Magick around you.

Now, for the next magic spell

Radiant Symbol Candle Money Spell

People also turn to Magick for financial reasons. And it is usually not out of greed, but need. The simple fact is, Money is a “necessary evil” in the world. We need it to survive – and financial hardship runs rampant through much of the world (including sections of every prosperous nation).

You can turn to Magick for help, so that financial stability and wealth is attracted into your life. Magick will not mysteriously deposit a million dollars in your bank account (that is NOT the way it works), but it will create amazing opportunities for you to create wealth and end your money worries forever.

This simple spell uses Candle Magick to release powerful money drawing energies to bring your desires to you (in the form of “miracle” opportunities to create wealth).

Here it is…

Prepare your altar and external sacred space (by casting your circle).

Carve your name and identifying information (like your personal power

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