symbol, if you have one) onto a green candle. (make sure you have anointed the candle for use in Magick first)
Carve a symbol that represents money or wealth to you: prosperity rune, a dollar sign, or whatever else resonates for you.
Hold the candle in your hand and focus on your desire. Dress and embellish the candle with money-drawing oils and powders and burn.
You don’t need to wait for the whole candle to burn down obviously, but the longer it burns the better. While it is burning you should sit quietly and meditate on your money desires while focusing on different ways these desires can come to you.
Knot Healing Spell
Another important reason people turn to Magick and various forms of Witchcraft is for healing and purification of the body, mind, or soul. Magick is capable of healing any ailment (but of course the more serious the ailment, the more powerful Magick is required). The gentle vibrations of Magick energy are used in this spell to heal yourself, or somebody else.
Here’s the spell…
Prepare your altar and external sacred space (by casting your circle).
Tie seven knots in a string. Visualize the illness and suffering as you tie the initial knots. You’re not wishing the illness-quite the opposite. You’re essentially transferring the illness into the knot.
Make it into a bracelet for the person with the sickness by tying the ends together.
Place the bracelet on the person who is ailing. Untie one knot each day. On the last day, unravel the thread and throw everything into running living water, flowing away from the patient’s location.
Rose has been practicing different forms of Witchcraft for over 27 years. To get more free magic spells visit her site The Ask Rose Ariadne Witchcraft Site”
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