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How To Casting Spells In Tibia

Once you have bought some spells you are ready to start using magic! Spells are cast simply by saying the magic words and hitting the Return key.

 For example, if you would like to cast the light spell, you must enter the formula “utevo lux”. Once you have hit the Return key, three things will happen: firstly, you will feel a funny feeling running from your toes up, and little blue stars will appear around your body. Secondly, you will be able to see a lot better. The area around you will be as bright as if it were day or as if you were carrying a torch. Finally, your mana will go down. Mana is the energy you need for casting spells. If your mana is exhausted, you will have to wait until you have enough mana to cast another spell. You can check the level of your mana by looking at the blue status bar or by looking at your character’s skills menu. If you do not have enough mana, then all that will happen is that you will see a puff of smoke at your character and get a message “You do not have enough mana”. Of course, if you try to cast a spell which you have not yet learnt or your experience level has fallen below the minimum experience level, a puff of smoke will also appear along with the message “You must learn this spell first” or “Your level is too low”.
Also, note that the speed with which spells can be cast is limited. If you are trying to cast a spell too quickly, you will receive the message “You are exhausted”. Simply wait a second before casting another spell to prevent this from happening.
Later, when your spell book is bursting at the seams with spells, you might like to make it easier and quicker to cast the spells you use regularly. A good way to do this is to assign hotkeys to spells. Whenever you

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