How To Choose A Wow Character Class
Take your time when you choose your World of Warcraft (WoW) Character Class. The choice you make determines how you play the game. There are 10 WoW Character Classes.
Each WoW Character Class has both advantages and disadvantages. The class you choose determines what weapons and armor you can use. It also determines what abilities, spells, skills and powers you can acquire as you play WoW. The WoW Character Class you choose also limits your choice of Race.
*NOTE: There are 10 WoW Character Classes. But the Death Knight choice isn’t available until much later in the game.
The 10 WoW Character Class choices are:
Druid – As a Druid you can act in different ways when you use the right shape-shifting forms. Druids could be called a hybrid.
Hunter – Ranged weapons like bows, guns, or crossbows can only be used effectively by Hunters.
Mage – Mages have magic spells that can be used as a weapon against an opponent to inflict damage or on an entire area. Mages don’t have strong weapons or armor. The power is in the magic.
Paladin – Paladins enjoy strong group support and buff abilities. WoW Paladins can inflict massive DPS (Damage Per Second), tank and heal because their a hybrid class.
Priest – Playing WoW as a Priest means you can heal just one character in your party or the whole party. And that’s not all. You will also have such special powers like cure disease, dispel magic and even mind control.
Rogue – Playing as a Rogue means you can inflict major Melee damage to your opponents. Melee is the WoW version of hand-to-hand combat. You’ll be able to incapacitate your foes.
Shaman – Changing from Melee DPS to healer to offensive caster in the blink of an eye will be
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