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How to Cleanse Your Chakras Through Meditation?

According to the ancient Vedic philosophy, the harmonious functioning of our chakras ensures our overall physical and mental well-being. Guided meditation is one of the simplest self-help techniques used for chakra-cleansing. Practicing the following steps once a week can help contribute to your overall health and well being-

Step 1- Lie down or sit in a comfortable position

Step 2- close your eyes and deep breathe

Step 3- Focus on your breathing

Step 4- Imagine that you are taking in light and energy with every in-breath and exhaling all your stress with every out breath

Step5- After a while you’ll start feeling calm and relaxed

Step6- Now imagine a white beam of light entering your body through soles of your feet

Step 7- Let it travel to the base of your spine, feel it circulating in that area and let it dissolve all the blockages from your root chakra. See the blockages as black soot covering your chakra. As the black soot disappears it will reveal your earthy red root chakra. Tell yourself “I am grounded and confident”

Step 8- Let the light now move up towards your sacral chakra, below your navel, around your genital area. Let the light dissolve away all the blockages from this chakra, see it as a whirling orange mass or an orange colored spinning wheel. Tell yourself “I release all my fears and express my desires freely”.

Step 9- See the light clearing your solar-plexus (6 inches above your navel). Let this whirling white light cleanse your bright yellow chakra. Tell yourself “I accept myself the way I am and I respect others for who they are”

Step 10- Let the light now move up towards

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