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your heart chakra. Watch it cleanse your chakra, feel the throbbing pink/red/green chakra in the area between your breasts. Tell yourself “I now accept and give love freely”

Step 11- Feel the light move in a circular motion around your throat area. Watch it cleanse your throat chakra; you’ll see a pale blue spinning wheel or blue colored spinning mass of light emerge. Tell yourself “I now express myself freely and without fear”

Step 12- Let the light move to your third eye chakra, the area between your eyebrows. Feel it cleanse your indigo/violet colored chakra. Tell yourself “I am focused, alert and at peace with myself”

Step 12- Let the light finally move up towards the crown of your head. See it move upwards towards the sky. Now silently pray for guidance and request the universe to silence your ego and help you achieve a higher level of consciousness

Step 13- Relax

Step 12- Slowly, open your eyes

This guided meditation technique is a combination of meditation, hypnosis and positive affirmations. In case you feel it will be difficult for you to remember each and every step while meditating, record these steps as instructions to yourself on a tape or cd and play it before you sit down to mediate. Make sure give a time gap of at least 2-3 minutes between each instruction.

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