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How to Create E-books for Income

Writing your first E-Book may be seemingly impossible for anyone. For some, writing is natural and they can weave stories, articles and books in a short time frame. But the majority of the population would be dealing with the popular ‘writers block’; they might write a chapter or two and then face shortage of ideas. But like most of the tasks writing an E-Book will be a child’s play if you divide the entire work into tiny convenient parts.

We have provided some tips which will help you to write your own E-book:

·To begin with, you will have to choose a subject in which you have a keen interest or some area which you are expert in. For you the subject might be interesting but care should be taken that it also appeals the audience too.

·Writing the first sentence seems to be a Herculean task. Brainstorming for the title would seem easier to most of the beginners. You might even stumble upon some new ideas while searching for a topic of your book.

·A catchy title can prove to be extremely helpful in boosting your E-book sales.

·You can divide your E-books into various sections or chapters and then go on adding details to it; this way the work seems easier and more systematic.

·If you have some ideas on some topic then you can elaborate it to form an entire chapter or section.

·If you are short of chapters or ideas then you can add in introductory and concluding chapters.

·It is recommended to keep the E-book short and information packed unless the topic demands more concise information.

·If you are working on a computer then take regular back ups on storage media like CD’s or

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