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Question by sam6: How to cure by laying on of hands (“faith healing”, spiritual healing) ?

Best answer:

Answer by Sean T
Ummm… I hope you’re really not sick, cause that stuff don’t work!!! Go see a doctor, m’k???

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

7 Responses to How to cure by laying on of hands (“faith healing”, spiritual healing) ?

  • FlGirl518 says:

    God does the healing, He just uses Christians to administer it.

  • gangadharan_nair says:

    No comments as it hurts a section of religious community.

  • SAMI says:


  • is_cupid_stupid says:

    Try Reiki search for it on the net and get yourself “aligned” by a master

    alternatively if your faith is strong no matter what the religion just say you normal simple prayers with devotion and reverence and it will have an effect on the person whom you touch while praying.

    more importantly the person whom you do this to should have faith in what you are doing to him else his mind will block out your positive energies

  • realist 2006 says:

    If it were possible do you think that medical research centres around the world would spend squilions of dollars on medical research , Do you think that hospitals would let people occupy precious beds or even do you think hospitals would exist if cures for anything could be had just by the laying on of hands ? . By the way an Australian University has conducted double blind tests on groups of patients, one section was prayed for and the other section was not , the one that were prayed for did not recover any quicker than the ones that were not . You can look that up for yourself !. Conclusion – faith healing is complete hog wash , just let yourself use the power of reason and logic ! Chris ! if you can do what you say then you have a perfect opportunity to collect $100,000.00 from the Australian Skeptiks Org, they have had that reward posted for years now for any person that can demonstrate any psychic ability what ever however !! go for it !!

  • chrisbrown_222 says:

    Contrary to what others have written here, “Hands on healing” does work. And it works very well. The problem is:like so many other activities of worth, there are too many charlatans around trying to make a buck dishonestly, Peter Popoff as an example. Scientific studies are almost always done by non-spiritual scientists who have an axe to grind. I am a “hands on” and “distance” healer myself. I have a very good track record. Also,so no-one can claim I am a huckster, I do not charge anything nor do I solicit donations. The cost of the web page comes out of my own pocket.
    By the way, GOD has no “chosen people” so being or not being a Christian is not a factor.
    Very few healings are instantaneous, some are. I do not advocate replacing medical attention with the spiritual. I advocate using them both and frankly I don’t care which healed you as long as you are healed.

  • jingles_200 says:

    God is the healer. People do not heal put they pray for the power of God to heal through their laying hands on the perosn. but if you are sick you should see a Doctor along with the praying

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